Air Travel

Rich Seager (Account suspended) made this Official Information request to Eugenie Sage

The request was partially successful.

From: Rich Seager (Account suspended)

Dear Eugenie Sage,

I’m sure that as a Green Minister that you realize that per trip, flying is one of the most efficient ways that a person can commit to increasing their own CO2 emissions. For example one trip from Auckland or Wellington to London or New York is likely to contribute anything up to 10 tonnes (or more?) per person of equivalent CO2 emissions, for example see;

In some instances just one trip may be more than the remainder of a person's total non air travel annual CO2 (and other greenhouse) emissions.

With that in mind I request from you the total (nautical) miles/kilometres that you flew in the Calendar year 2018 for;

* Total Domestic nautical miles or kilometres reclaimable travel as an MP & total one way trips
* Total Domestic nautical miles or kilometres for private travel & total one way trips

* Total International nautical miles or kilometres reclaimable travel as an MP & total one way trips
*Total International nautical miles or kilometres for private travel & total one way trips

Please outline whether travel was in economy, business or first class.

I don't expect you to be exact, you don't have to ask the airlines for this information. I'm happy if you use an air miles/kilometres calculator for this, or even if you detail the trips without adding up the actual miles/kilometres.

I only want your own air miles/kilometres. I'm not interested in others who may have been traveling with you.

Yours faithfully,

Rich Seager

Link to this

From: E Sage (MIN)
Eugenie Sage

Kia ora
On behalf of Hon Eugenie Sage, Minister of Conservation, Minister for Land
Information and Associate Minister for the Environment, many thanks for
your email.
The Minister considers all correspondence to be important and thanks you
personally for taking the time to write. While all correspondence is
received by the Minister it is not always possible to provide a personal
response to every email which is received.
If you are inviting the Minister to attend an event or a meeting, our
office will be in touch shortly.
Many thanks again for taking the time to write to Hon Eugenie Sage.
Kind regards,

Office of Hon Eugenie Sage
Minister of Conservation | Minister for Land Information | Associate
Minister for the Environment
6R Bowen House, Parliament Buildings | Private Bag 18041 | Wellington 6160
| New Zealand
E: [Eugenie Sage request email]


Link to this

From: Rich Seager (Account suspended)

Dear Eugenie Sage,

just to be clear, my meaning of 'one way trips' would classify a return trip as two 'one way trips'.

Yours faithfully,

Rich Seager

Link to this

From: E Sage (MIN)
Eugenie Sage

Kia ora
On behalf of Hon Eugenie Sage, Minister of Conservation, Minister for Land
Information and Associate Minister for the Environment, many thanks for
your email.
The Minister considers all correspondence to be important and thanks you
personally for taking the time to write. While all correspondence is
received by the Minister it is not always possible to provide a personal
response to every email which is received.
If you are inviting the Minister to attend an event or a meeting, our
office will be in touch shortly.
Many thanks again for taking the time to write to Hon Eugenie Sage.
Kind regards,

Office of Hon Eugenie Sage
Minister of Conservation | Minister for Land Information | Associate
Minister for the Environment
6R Bowen House, Parliament Buildings | Private Bag 18041 | Wellington 6160
| New Zealand
E: [Eugenie Sage request email]


Link to this

From: E Sage (MIN)
Eugenie Sage


Tēnā koe Mr Seager

On behalf of Hon Eugenie Sage, I acknowledge your email of 2 August 2019 (included below) in which you submitted an Official Information Act request.

Minister Sage is considering your request in accordance with the Act, and you can expect a response by 30 August 2019.

Ngā mihi

Office of Hon Eugenie Sage
Minister of Conservation | Minister for Land Information | Associate Minister for the Environment
6R Bowen House, Parliament Buildings | Private Bag 18041 | Wellington 6160 | New Zealand
P: 04 817 8727
E: [Eugenie Sage request email]

show quoted sections

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From: Rich Seager (Account suspended)

Tēnā koe ,

thanks for your response. I look forward to receiving the information requested.

Ngā mihi

Rich Seager

Link to this

From: E Sage (MIN)
Eugenie Sage

Kia ora
On behalf of Hon Eugenie Sage, Minister of Conservation, Minister for Land
Information and Associate Minister for the Environment, many thanks for
your email.
The Minister considers all correspondence to be important and thanks you
personally for taking the time to write. While all correspondence is
received by the Minister it is not always possible to provide a personal
response to every email which is received.
If you are inviting the Minister to attend an event or a meeting, our
office will be in touch shortly.
Many thanks again for taking the time to write to Hon Eugenie Sage.
Kind regards,

Office of Hon Eugenie Sage
Minister of Conservation | Minister for Land Information | Associate
Minister for the Environment
6R Bowen House, Parliament Buildings | Private Bag 18041 | Wellington 6160
| New Zealand
E: [Eugenie Sage request email]


Link to this

From: Rich Seager (Account suspended)

Dear Eugenie Sage,

the link in my OIA request is to the wrong article. Here is the correct link to a newscientist article about planes, not one about dogs.

Yours faithfully,

Rich Seager

Link to this

From: E Sage (MIN)
Eugenie Sage

Kia ora
On behalf of Hon Eugenie Sage, Minister of Conservation, Minister for Land
Information and Associate Minister for the Environment, many thanks for
your email.
The Minister considers all correspondence to be important and thanks you
personally for taking the time to write. While all correspondence is
received by the Minister it is not always possible to provide a personal
response to every email which is received.
If you are inviting the Minister to attend an event or a meeting, our
office will be in touch shortly.
Many thanks again for taking the time to write to Hon Eugenie Sage.
Kind regards,

Office of Hon Eugenie Sage
Minister of Conservation | Minister for Land Information | Associate
Minister for the Environment
6R Bowen House, Parliament Buildings | Private Bag 18041 | Wellington 6160
| New Zealand
E: [Eugenie Sage request email]


Link to this

From: Rich Seager (Account suspended)

Dear Eugenie Sage,

this request is now overdue.

Yours faithfully,

Rich Seager

Link to this

From: E Sage (MIN)
Eugenie Sage

Kia ora
On behalf of Hon Eugenie Sage, Minister of Conservation, Minister for Land
Information and Associate Minister for the Environment, many thanks for
your email.
The Minister considers all correspondence to be important and thanks you
personally for taking the time to write. While all correspondence is
received by the Minister it is not always possible to provide a personal
response to every email which is received.
If you are inviting the Minister to attend an event or a meeting, our
office will be in touch shortly.
Many thanks again for taking the time to write to Hon Eugenie Sage.
Kind regards,

Office of Hon Eugenie Sage
Minister of Conservation | Minister for Land Information | Associate
Minister for the Environment
6R Bowen House, Parliament Buildings | Private Bag 18041 | Wellington 6160
| New Zealand
E: [Eugenie Sage request email]


Link to this

From: Rich Seager (Account suspended)

Dear Eugenie Sage,

this request is now well overdue.

Please attend to it.


Yours faithfully,

Rich Seager

Link to this

From: E Sage (MIN)
Eugenie Sage

Kia ora
On behalf of Hon Eugenie Sage, Minister of Conservation, Minister for Land
Information and Associate Minister for the Environment, many thanks for
your email.
The Minister considers all correspondence to be important and thanks you
personally for taking the time to write. While all correspondence is
received by the Minister it is not always possible to provide a personal
response to every email which is received.
If you are inviting the Minister to attend an event or a meeting, our
office will be in touch shortly.
Many thanks again for taking the time to write to Hon Eugenie Sage.
Kind regards,

Office of Hon Eugenie Sage
Minister of Conservation | Minister for Land Information | Associate
Minister for the Environment
6R Bowen House, Parliament Buildings | Private Bag 18041 | Wellington 6160
| New Zealand
E: [Eugenie Sage request email]


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From: E Sage (MIN)
Eugenie Sage

Attachment image001.jpg
1K Download

Attachment Response to Rich Seager OIA 19 143.pdf
107K Download View as HTML



Tēnā koe Rich Seager


Please find attached a letter from Hon Eugenie Sage in response to your
Official Information Act request dated 2 August 2019. We apologise for
this response being late.


Ngā mihi


[1]Crest Office of Hon Eugenie

Minister of Conservation
| Minister for Land
Information |

Associate Minister for
the Environment

6R Bowen House |
Parliament Buildings |
Private Bag 18041 |
Wellington 6160 | P: 04
817 8727

[Eugenie Sage request email]





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Things to do with this request

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