All correspondence between the Minister and the Dept of Conservation regarding Himilayan Tahr Management since she became Minister

Kevin Fewtrell made this Official Information request to Eugenie Sage

The authority would like to / has responded by post to this request.

From: Kevin Fewtrell

Dear Eugenie Sage,
I am making this OIA request for correspondence between you and the Dept of Conservation on the grounds of identifying who is responsible for breaching the trust of Public Land users who are dependent on the Himilayan Tahr Resource, be it for commerce or recreation.

Yours faithfully,
Kevin Fewtrell

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Sent request to Eugenie Sage again.

Internal admin user left an annotation ()

We are sorry for the trouble. An email delivery problem was recently brought to our attention which affected this request, hence the re-send above.

More information is available here:

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From: E Sage (MIN)
Eugenie Sage

Kia ora
On behalf of Hon Eugenie Sage, Minister of Conservation, Minister for Land
Information and Associate Minister for the Environment, many thanks for
your email.
The Minister considers all correspondence to be important and thanks you
personally for taking the time to write. While all correspondence is
received by the Minister it is not always possible to provide a personal
response to every email which is received.
If you are inviting the Minister to attend an event or a meeting, our
office will be in touch shortly.
Many thanks again for taking the time to write to Hon Eugenie Sage.
Kind regards,

Office of Hon Eugenie Sage
Minister of Conservation | Minister for Land Information | Associate
Minister for the Environment
6R Bowen House, Parliament Buildings | Private Bag 18041 | Wellington 6160
| New Zealand
E: [Eugenie Sage request email]


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From: E Sage (MIN)
Eugenie Sage

Attachment image001.jpg
1K Download

Kia ora Mr Fewtrell,


Thank you for your Official Information Act request of 11 October 2018
seeking correspondence between Hon Eugenie Sage and the Department of
Conservation regarding management of Himalayan Tahr. I am aware that you
already have requests lodged with the Department of Conservation that
cover the same information and we are already working with the Department
to action these. Can you please confirm whether you would like to proceed
with your separate request to the Minister's office?


Ngā mihi


  Office of Hon Eugenie Sage

[1]Crest Minister of Conservation | Minister for Land Information |
Associate Minister for the Environment

6R Bowen House, Parliament Buildings | Private Bag 18041 |
Wellington 6160 | New Zealand
P: 04 817 8727

E: [2][Eugenie Sage request email]



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Things to do with this request

Eugenie Sage only: