Numerous Unanswered Questions Relating To Covid 19

Tim Webb made this Official Information request to Ministry of Health

Response to this request is long overdue. By law Ministry of Health should have responded by now (details and exceptions). The requester can complain to the Ombudsman.

From: Tim Webb

Dear Ministry of Health,

Under the Official Information Act please respond to the following questions…

• Please specify the actual harm caused directly to another person from a person who is unvaccinated for covid-19?

• Please confirm that any person can contract covid-19 regardless of whether vaccinated or unvaccinated for covid-19?

• Will blood be used from a covid-19 vaccinated person in blood transfusions, and if so, what analysis has been done on the potential effects?

• Please confirm that a person vaccinated for covid-19 can be positive and pass on the covid-19 virus to another person regardless of covid-19 vaccine status?

• What are the privacy safeguards for the covid-19 passport and what are the penalties and liabilities in the event of a breach of privacy?

• How many people have been admitted to hospital for heart conditions each year for the last 6 years in 10 year age bands including 2021 to date?

Many thanks.

Yours faithfully,

Tim Webb

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From: OIA Requests

Kia ora,


Thank you for your Official Information Act (the Act) request. This is
an automatic reply to let you know we received it.


Due to the COVID-19 global pandemic response, the Ministry is experiencing
significantly higher volumes of queries and requests for information. We
will endeavour to acknowledge your request as soon as possible. Further
information about COVID-19 can be found on our
website: [1]


Please be advised that due dates for requests received from 29 November
2021 onwards take into account the following periods:


Christmas (25 December 2021)

Summer Holidays (25 December to 15 January)

New Year's Day (1 January 2022)

Day after News Year's Day (2 January 2022)


If you'd like to calculate the due date for your request, you can use the
Ombudsman's online calculator here: [2]

If you have any questions while we're processing your request, please let
us know via [3][email address]


Ngā mihi  

OIA Services Team  


[4]Ministry of Health information releases  

[5]Unite against COVID-19 



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From: OIA Requests

Attachment image001.png
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Kia ora Tim,


Thank you for your request for official information. The Ministry's
reference number for your request is: H202117202.


Please be advised that due dates for requests received from 29 November
2021 onwards take into account the following periods:


Christmas (25 December 2021)

Summer Holidays (25 December to 15 January)

New Year's Day (1 January 2022)

Day after News Year's Day (2 January 2022)


Your request has been logged and you can expect a reply no later than 24
January 2022 as required under the Official Information Act 1982.


Due to the COVID-19 global pandemic response, the Ministry is experiencing
significantly higher volumes of queries and requests for information. If
we are unable to respond to your request within this time frame, we will
notify you of an extension of that time frame.


If you have any queries related to this request, please do not hesitate to
get in touch.


Ngā mihi


OIA Services

Government Services

Office of the Director-General

Ministry of Health

E: [1][email address]


-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Webb <[FOI #17860 email]>
Sent: Monday, 6 December 2021 9:48 pm
To: OIA Requests <[email address]>
Subject: Official Information request - Numerous Unanswered Questions
Relating To Covid 19


Dear Ministry of Health,


Under the Official Information Act please respond to the following


•             Please specify the actual harm caused directly to another
person from a person who is unvaccinated for covid-19?


•             Please confirm that any person can contract covid-19
regardless of whether vaccinated or unvaccinated for covid-19?


•             Will blood be used from a covid-19 vaccinated person in
blood transfusions, and if so, what analysis has been done on the
potential effects?


•             Please confirm that a person vaccinated for covid-19 can be
positive and pass on the covid-19 virus to another person regardless of
covid-19 vaccine status?


•             What are the privacy safeguards for the covid-19 passport
and what are the penalties and liabilities in the event of a breach of


•             How many people have been admitted to hospital for heart
conditions each year for the last 6 years in 10 year age bands including
2021 to date?


Many thanks.


Yours faithfully,


Tim Webb




This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.


Please use this email address for all replies to this request:

[2][FOI #17860 email]


Is [3][Ministry of Health request email] the wrong address for Official Information
requests to Ministry of Health? If so, please contact us using this form:



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From: OIA Requests

Attachment H202117202 Response.pdf
1.3M Download View as HTML

Kia ora Tim

Please find attached a letter regarding your request for information.

Ngā mihi

OIA Services
Government Services
Office of the Director-General
Ministry of Health
E: [1][email address]
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attachments may contain information that is IN-CONFIDENCE and subject to
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If you are not the intended recipient, do not read, use, disseminate,
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Things to do with this request

Ministry of Health only: