Access traffic cctv camera footage of a vehicle that hit me while crossing Cambridge/Galloway/Wairere Dr on Saturday 11am April 2nd - I believe there is a cctv traffic cam at that intersection

Terry Gardiner made this Official Information request to Hamilton City Council

The request was refused by Hamilton City Council.

From: Terry Gardiner

Dear Hamilton City Council,

I want to request traffic cctv footage of an accident I was injured in, caused by a driver running a red light whilst I was using the pedestrian crossing at the Galloway/Cambridge/Wairere lights on my bicycle - 11am April 2 2022

Yours faithfully,

Terry Gardiner

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Hamilton City Council

[1]Hamilton City Council | Te kauniherao Kirikiriroa
Kia ora,
We write to acknowledge your information request of 06/04/2022 about CCTV
footage of incident at Galloway pedestrian crossing.

Please be advised that your request has been passed on to the relevant
team within Council and you will be informed of the outcome.

The Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 requires
that we advise you of our decision on whether the Council will provide the
requesed information as soon as reasonably practiable, and no later than
20 working days after the day we receive your request.
We will respond to you no later than 04/05/2022.

In light of the recent announcement regarding COVID-19 and New Zealand's
current restrictions, the safety of our employees is paramount. We've made
necessary changes to our working environment and operations that may
result in limited availability of some of our staff members. We appreciate
your patience during this time.
Please allow some extra time for a response to your request as we are all
doing our best to accommodate the new circumstances.

Kind Regards,
Legal Services & Risk Team

If you have any further questions about your request, please [2]email us
or phone us on [3](07) 838 6699.
© 2019 Hamilton City Council. All rights reserved.

Hamilton City Council
260 Anglesea Street
Hamilton 3204


Visible links
2. mailto:[Hamilton City Council request email]
3. file:///tmp/tel:+6478386699

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From: official information
Hamilton City Council

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Kia Ora,


I am writing to acknowledge receipt of your request below.


In order for us to release this kind of information, we would require a
complete Police Report with an accompanying police request for the
footage. Alternatively, and more commonly, you can have your Insurance
providers contact us for the footage.


Please ensure that your Insurance provides a release form, signed by
yourself, for this information.


This is required to ensure the privacy of all parties involved is not
infringed upon.


Until we receive this form, we will not be able to progress your request.
That being said, our due date to you will begin once we receive this form.


Note – CCTV Footage is only held for a maximum of 30 days from the date it
was taken. As such, we will need to have a request from Police or your
insurer ASAP.


I look forward to hearing from you.


In light of the recent announcement regarding COVID-19 and New Zealand’s
Alert levels, the safety of our employees is paramount. We’ve made
necessary changes to our working environment and operations that may
result in limited availability of some of our staff members. We appreciate
your patience during this time. Please allow some extra time for a
response to your request as we are all doing our best to accommodate the
new circumstances.



Kind regards,



Official Information Team | Legal Services & Risk

People and Organisational Performance

[1][Hamilton City Council request email]


Hamilton City Council | Private Bag 3010 | Hamilton
3240 | [2]
[3] us on Facebook  
  [5] us on Twitter




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From: Terry Gardiner

Dear official information,

I have asked my insurance company to lodge the footage release request and had provided the police incident number for the accident and get them to provide a signed release form. I was under the expectation that a private OIA request for an incident of this nature was possible but will see what progress can be made

Yours sincerely,

Terry Gardiner

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From: official information
Hamilton City Council

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Kia Ora,


I refer to your information request below, Hamilton City Council is able
to provide the following response.


We are unable to assist with this request as the camera at this
intersection has been damaged and is awaiting repairs. We are therefore
refusing this request as per S 17(e) of LGOIMA – this information does not


You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of
this decision. Information about how to make a complaint is available at
[1] or freephone 0800 802 602.


Kind Regards,




Official Information Team

Legal Services & Risk | People and Organisational Performance

Email: [2][Hamilton City Council request email]


[3]Hamilton City Council




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Things to do with this request

Hamilton City Council only: