
Chris McCashin made this Official Information request to Climate Change Commission

Response to this request is long overdue. By law Climate Change Commission should have responded by now (details and exceptions). The requester can complain to the Ombudsman.

From: Chris McCashin

Dear Climate Change Commission,

Please provide any and all Information known or held by you or your department in any format including written documents, reports, memos, letters, notes, emails, draft documents, non-written information and unrecorded information regarding:
Geoengineering carried out by Air New Zealand planes, while flying over NZ air space. Especially the practice of Solar Radiation Management, using stratospheric sulfate aerosols to create a dimming effect and impact climate, known as STRATOSPHERIC SULFATE AEROSOLS GEO-ENGINEERING (SAG-SRM) - from January 2010 until now.

Any and all Information known or held by you or your department in any format including written documents, reports, memos, letters, notes, emails, draft documents, non-written information and unrecorded information regarding: the practice of artificially modifying the climate using reflective nano-materials to reflect sunlight via dispersal from jet aircraft that expand into reflective artificial clouds from January 2010 until now.

Please also provide any and all water quality research reports, specifically looking at heavy metals in water and contributory factors to metals in water.

Please also provide any and all reports completed on impact of Geoengineering on weather patterns, climate change, risks & benefits, etc etc. Effectively any and all information on Geonengineering and the impacts it is having on NZ weather.

Yours faithfully,

Link to this

From: OIA
Climate Change Commission

Attachment image001.png
33K Download

Kia ora Chris


The purpose of this email is to acknowledge receipt of your email
requesting the following under the Official Information Act 1982:


Please provide any and all Information known or held by you or your
department in any format including written documents, reports, memos,
letters, notes, emails, draft documents, non-written information and
unrecorded information regarding:

Geoengineering carried out by Air New Zealand planes, while flying over NZ
air space. Especially the practice of Solar Radiation Management, using
stratospheric sulfate aerosols to create a dimming effect and impact
- from January 2010 until now.


Any and all Information known or held by you or your department in any
format including written documents, reports, memos, letters, notes,
emails, draft documents, non-written information and unrecorded
information regarding: the practice of artificially modifying the climate
using reflective nano-materials to reflect sunlight via dispersal from jet
aircraft that expand into reflective artificial clouds from January 2010
until now.


Please also provide any and all water quality research reports,
specifically looking at heavy metals in water and contributory factors to
metals in water.


Please also provide any and all reports completed on impact of
Geoengineering on weather patterns, climate change, risks & benefits, etc
etc. Effectively any and all information on Geonengineering and the
impacts it is having on NZ weather.


The request was received 19 October 2022 and the latest you can expect to
hear from us is 17 November 2022.


Your request has been given the reference number 2022-019. Please use this
reference if making any enquiries about this request.


Ngā mihi


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Link to this

From: OIA
Climate Change Commission

Attachment image001.png
33K Download

Attachment OIA 2022 019 notifying requester.pdf
340K Download View as HTML

Kia ora Chris, please find attached an update regarding your Official
Information Act request dated 19 October 2022.


Ngā mihi

Government Services

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From: Taku Mahi

Kia ora Chris Mccashin,

Thank you for your Official Information Act request received on

We will endeavour to respond to your request as soon as possible and in
any event no later than 20 working days after the day your request was
received. If we are unable to respond to your request by then, we will
notify you of an extension to that timeframe.

Please note the Ministry for the Environment will release responses to
selected OIA requests on our [1]OIA responses page shortly after the
response has been sent.

If you have any queries, please feel free to contact us at
[email address].

Please note that this Taku Mahi inbox is not monitored.

Ngâ mihi nui

Ministerial Services Team 

Ministry for the Environment – Manatû Mô Te Taiao

Email: [email address] Website: [2] 

23 Kate Sheppard Place, Thorndon, Wellington 6143


Visible links

Link to this

From: OIA
Climate Change Commission

Attachment image001.png
33K Download

Attachment 2022 019 response.pdf
478K Download View as HTML

Ref: OIA 2022-019



Kia ora Chris


Please find attached the Commission’s response to your Official
Information Act 1982 request of 19 October 2022.



Ngā mihi

Government Services

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1. mailto:[email address]

Link to this

From: OIA

Attachment image001.png
5K Download

Attachment image002.png
0K Download

Attachment image003.png
1K Download

Attachment image004.png
0K Download

Attachment image005.png
0K Download

Attachment image006.png
0K Download

Attachment image007.png
81K Download

Attachment OIAD 454 Response Chris Mccashin.pdf
233K Download View as HTML

Kia ora Chris,


Please find attached response to your Official Information Act request –
reference OIAD-454.


Ngâ mihi nui


Chelsea Cooper (she/her)

Senior Advisor | Kaitohutohu Matua

Ministerial Services
Ministry for the Environment – Manatû Mô Te Taiao


[1]Text Description
automatically generated with [2][IMG] [3][IMG] [4][IMG] [5][IMG] [6][IMG]
medium confidence
[7]Graphical user interface, application Description automatically




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From: Chris McCashin

Dear OIA,

So there is no mention of Geoengineering in anything the Climate Change Commission does?

So given that

- I am assuming that the Climate Change Commission is therefore not factoring in Geoengineering into the models that you are using?

It is widely known that numerous countries and I understand our own are doing Geoengineering - I would have thought for accurate modelling to be done then all factors need to be taken into account.

And can you tell me if the Climate Change Commission is considering HAARP in their models?

It is widely known both of the above are being done and the Climate Change Commission appears to not be factoring in these "man made" weather manipulation issues.

So just confirming Climate Change Commission is not considering current and ongoing man made weather manipulation in anything they do?

Is it worth putting something to the WEF, UN and all the other global agencies that all geoengineering and HAARP activity be stopped for five years so some accurate baseline work can be done to understand more about the climate rather than having people play with the weather and then say the average man needs to pay more to stop these climate issues.

Yours sincerely,
Chris McCashin

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From: OIA

Thank you for your email to the Ministry of Environment (the Ministry). 

The Ministry is committed to openness, transparency and accountability and
we are working to provide responses to correspondence and requests as soon
as possible.  

You will receive an acknowledgement of your request and we will advise of
expected timeframes for a response.  

Fulfilling our statutory obligations under the Official Information Act
1982 (the Act) is important to us. If you have made a request under the
Act and have not received an acknowledgement within one working day,
please contact [1][email address].  

Information about OIA requests during COVID-19 is available on the
Ombudsman’s website: [2]FAQs about official information requests during
COVID-19 | Ombudsman New Zealand  

If you have been redirected by an out of office message from a Ministerial
team member, an alternate Ministerial Services team member will be in
touch in the next 24 Hours.


Thank you for your patience.  Noho ora mai  


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1. mailto:[email address]

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From: Chelsea Cooper

Kia ora Chris,

Thank you for your email to the Ministry for the Environment.

I note in your email you only seek information from the Climate Change Commission, and not the Ministry for the Environment.

Would you like me to formally transfer your below request to the Climate Change Commission, or would you like to withdraw the below request from the Ministry for the Environment and resubmit it to the Climate Change Commission yourself?

Ngâ mihi nui

Chelsea Cooper (she/her)
Senior Advisor | Kaitohutohu Matua
Ministerial Services
Ministry for the Environment – Manatū Mō Te Taiao

From: Chris McCashin <[FOI #20917 email]>
Sent: Monday, 5 December 2022 3:18 pm
To: OIA <[email address]>
Subject: Re: Response to your Official Information Act request - reference OIAD-454

This email originated from outside our organisation. Please take extra care when clicking on any links or opening any attachments.

Dear OIA,

So there is no mention of Geoengineering in anything the Climate Change Commission does?

So given that

- I am assuming that the Climate Change Commission is therefore not factoring in Geoengineering into the models that you are using?

It is widely known that numerous countries and I understand our own are doing Geoengineering - I would have thought for accurate modelling to be done then all factors need to be taken into account.

And can you tell me if the Climate Change Commission is considering HAARP in their models?

It is widely known both of the above are being done and the Climate Change Commission appears to not be factoring in these "man made" weather manipulation issues.

So just confirming Climate Change Commission is not considering current and ongoing man made weather manipulation in anything they do?

Is it worth putting something to the WEF, UN and all the other global agencies that all geoengineering and HAARP activity be stopped for five years so some accurate baseline work can be done to understand more about the climate rather than having people play with the weather and then say the average man needs to pay more to stop these climate issues.

Yours sincerely,
Chris McCashin

show quoted sections

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From: Chris McCashin

Dear Chelsea Cooper,

Just a follow up on this

It appears NIWA scientists have been presenting on this topic as far back as 2011 - see article

So surely Climate Change Commission would be aware that this is going on in New Zealand?!

I’ve also seen this practice been done. So just to clarify.

Climate Change Commission is aware the practice of geoengineering occurs in NZ - Yes - No

You are transferring this request to MFE as they are the agency responsible for geoengineering practices in NZ - Yes - No

Yours sincerely,

Chris McCashin

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Goodtimes left an annotation ()

Just another conspiracy.....

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Things to do with this request

Climate Change Commission only: