Camping ground licences

Tim Carter made this Official Information request to Otorohanga District Council

The request was successful.

From: Tim Carter

Dear Otorohanga District Council,

Could you kindly provide a list of all camping grounds which Council has issued a camping ground licence in the past 3 years in accordance with the Camping Ground Regulations 1985.

Please include relevant addresses for each camping ground and identify if any camping grounds are operated by Council or subject to a lease with Council.

Yours faithfully,

Tim Carter

Link to this

From: Reception
Otorohanga District Council

Thank you for contacting Ōtorohanga District Council.  Your email has been
received and a team member will endeavour to respond within 5 working


If your query is urgent, please phone 0800 734 000 or 07 873 4000


Ngā Mihi



Link to this

From: Tim Carter

Dear Otorohanga District Council,

Could you kindly provide an update on my request and time expected to respond as it has been beyond the 20 business day timeline under the OIA Act?

Yours faithfully,

Tim Carter

Link to this

From: Jessica Nelson
Otorohanga District Council

Attachment image001.jpg
68K Download

Attachment image002.png
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Attachment image003.png
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Attachment image004.png
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Attachment image005.png
69K Download

Attachment image006.jpg
125K Download

Attachment LGOIMA Decision Camping ground licences.docx
35K Download View as HTML

Dear Tim,


Please find the attached decision letter regarding your LGOIMA


Jessica Nelson​​​​
Information Management Officer
Ōtorohanga District Council
​17 Maniapoto Street, Ōtorohanga
​PO Box 11, Ōtorohanga 3900
[email address] | [1]07 873 4380 | [2]+64274177719
[3][IMG] [4][IMG] [5][IMG] [6][IMG]
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1. file:///tmp/tel:07%20873%204380
2. file:///tmp/tel:+64274177719

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Things to do with this request

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