Additional stormwater consent granted to Rainbow Renewable energy

Valerie Morse made this Official Information request to Bay of Plenty Regional Council

The request was successful.

From: Valerie Morse

Kia ora Bay of Plenty Regional Council,

Thank you for the documents relating to Resource consent RM22-0076-AP.

It appears that there is an additional consent relating to stormwater discharges. Would you please provide that documentation?

And can you advise if there are any other consents relating to the trial lodged with BOPRC?

Thank you.

Ngā mihi,

Valerie Morse

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From: Trudy Richards

Kia ora Valerie

The information you have requested is publicly available on our website at

If you search for the address, 216 State Highway 38, it will show you all the consent points on the site and you can download the key consent documents from there.

You should see RM22-0076, RM22-0128, 68379 and 65172 at the address.

Please let me know if you have any issues downloading the documents you need.

Kind regards,

Trudy Richards
Compliance Team Leader (Air, Industry & Response)
Bay of Plenty Regional Council Toi Moana

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