Request for the WDC tree specialist's report on the Laurie Hall Park trees

Steve Marshall made this Official Information request to Whangarei District Council

The request was partially successful.

From: Steve Marshall

Kia ora Whangarei District Council,

Councillor Connop reports on Facebook about three trees recently removed from the Laurie Hall Carpark:

\\ Ahead of the works commencing Parks and Recreation tree specialist assessed the trees and it was found two of the three trees were diseased with rotting trunks. As such the two diseased trees were required to be removed as per Council’s trees management policy and before the trees fell of their own accord. The two trees were removed on Tuesday 18th June. //

I'm requesting a copy of the tree specialist's report.

ka kite,
Steve Marshall

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Whangarei District Council

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Tēnā koe,

Thank you for contacting us. Your request has been logged under the Local
Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.

We will respond to your request as soon as possible and in any case no
later than within 20 working days.  

You can also call us freephone 0800 932 463. Please quote Request No.
OIA241273 if you require any further information.

If you would like to notify us about anything further regarding this
matter, you can reply to this email.

Ngā mihi,

Whangarei District Council


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From: Louis Rattray
Whangarei District Council

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Tçnâ koe Steve


I refer to your request of June 24, 2024 for Information about “Laurie
Hall Park Trees”. Your request was referred to council’s Parks and
Recreation Department for consideration to your request for a copy of the
tree specialist’s report on the Laurie Hall Park Trees.  No report was
received so I have asked the department to detail how we came to the
knowledge that they trees needed removal.


Paul Leyland and Treescape visited the trees on Monday the 17^th of July
as part of the pre-planned inspection of the trees ahead of the roading
project commencing. The inspection confirmed the Ficus had a major decay
pocket in the base of the trunk and was in decline, the Liquidambar was
identified as having Botryosphaeria berengeriana (Dotthiorella) present.


The third tree was identified as damaged by treescape whilst they were
tiding up from the 1^st two trees.  They Phoned Paul Leyland who inspected
the third tree and determined the damage was substantial and required
immediate removal.


The material represents our best efforts to locate relevant material.
However, the search process is by no means an exact science and given the
broad scope of your request it is possible that there may be other items
of relevance that have unintentionally been missed in the search.


I hope this information is of some assistance in responding to your
request. If you believe we have not responded appropriately to your
request, you have the right by way of complaint, under section 27(3) of
the Act, to apply to the Ombudsman to seek an investigation and review of
the decision.



Louis Rattray 

Manager – Parks & Recreation | Parks & Recreation Department

Whangarei District Council | Te Iwitahi, 9 Rust Avenue | Private Bag 9023,
Te Mai, Whangârei 0143

P 09 430 4200 | DDI 09 430 4255 | M 021 243 7583 | [1]

[2]Whangarei District Council logo





Visible links
1. Link to the Whangarei District Council's website.

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Steve Marshall left an annotation ()

It's good that I got a response, but it's concerning to me that no written report, or even written notes, were available from Paul Leyland of Treescape.

I take issue with the assertion that my request had a "broad scope". I requested a single report, about two specific trees, on a specific date. It was a narrow, specific, and highly focused request. The absence of a paper trail made the request difficult to respond to, and not a lack of specificity on my part. :-)

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Things to do with this request

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