GNS News Post - 28 Jun 2024

Mike made this Official Information request to Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences Limited

The request was successful.

From: Mike

Dear Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences Limited,

I received a push notification today linking to this article:

The article contains the following:
"Science tells us that Rūaumoko rumbles the Alpine Fault about every 300 years, and the last time was in 1717."

Unusually, it doesn't cite any sources. As a CRI steeped in the scientific method - could you please provide the scientific sources and research that provides evidence for the existence of "Ruaumoko" and the role of that deity in the movement of fault lines referenced in this article.

Also relevant communications relating to the choice of this scientific information for inclusion in the referenced news post.

Ideally you'd be able to update the news item to refer to those sources.

Please treat this as an OIA, I confirm I am an NZ citizen present in NZ for the purposes of that request.

Also at the time of writing (1045 28/6/2024 NZST) your website is offline.

Yours faithfully,


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From: Anna Jellie
Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences Limited

Attachment scan annaj 2024 07 02 13 31 57.pdf
647K Download View as HTML

Dear Mike,
Please find our letter attached in response to your Official Information
Act request below.

Anna Jellie (she/her)

General Counsel

GNS Science Te Pῡ Ao

D +64 4 570 4736

1 Fairway Drive, Avalon

Lower Hutt, New Zealand



This email may contain legally privileged information. No privilege is
waived or lost by any mistransmission.



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Things to do with this request

Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences Limited only: