We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Chris McCashin please sign in and let everyone know.

Barry Young and / or Steve Kirsch mentions in emails / Whistleblower Data

Chris McCashin made this Official Information request to Shane Reti

This request has an unknown status. We're waiting for Chris McCashin to read recent responses and update the status.

From: Chris McCashin

Dear Shane Reti,

Please provide any and all emails, whatsapp messages, memos, notes, texts that include the following key words to health authorities, agencies, other politicians just any and all information that Mr Reti has been included on that discusses

- Barry Young
- Steve Kirsch
- Whistleblower Data

This is since Mr Reti came to office

Yours faithfully,

Link to this

From: Shane Reti (MIN)
Shane Reti

Kia ora   


Thank you for your email to the Minister of Health and Minster for Pacific
Peoples, Hon Dr Shane Reti.    


We will endeavour to respond to your email as soon as possible. However,
due to the high volume of emails, we may not be able to provide you with
an individualised response. Please note:  

o If you are an Whangârei constituent contacting the Minister about an
issue related to his electorate, your email will be passed to his
electorate office for consideration.  
o Invitations and requests to meet with the Minister will be considered
and his office will be in touch with you in due course.  
o Requests for official information will be managed in accordance with
provisions of the Official Information Act 1982, which may include a
transfer to a more relevant Minister or agency.  


If your email falls outside of the Minister's portfolio responsibilities,
expresses a personal view, or is copied to multiple Members of Parliament,
then your email will be noted and may be transferred to another Minister’s
office, or there may be no further response to you.  


If your email relates to matters including:  

o Smokefree 2025, smoking or vaping - these matters fall within the
portfolio responsibilities of Hon Casey Costello, Associate Minister
of Health. You can contact her by
emailing [1][email address].  
o Mental health & ACC - these matters fall within the portfolio
responsibilities of Hon Matt Doocey, Minister for ACC, Minister for
Mental Health, and Associate Minister of Health. You can contact him
by emailing [2][email address].  
o Pharmac, Medsafe or medicines funding - these matters fall within the
portfolio responsibilities of Hon David Seymour, Associate Minister of
Health. You can contact him by
emailing [3][email address].  


Further delegations details of Associate Ministers of Health can be
found [4]here.  

Please do not expect a response from this office if your email relates to
the above matters.   


If it’s a medical emergency – call 111  

o This can include chest pain or tightness, difficulty breathing,
choking, severe bleeding or bleeding that won’t stop, sudden weakness
or difficulty talking, fainting or unconsciousness.  


Vaccination advice  

o Call the Vaccination Healthline for information about COVID-19, flu,
MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella), Boostrix (whooping cough) on 0800
28 29 26 8AM – 6PM Monday to Friday.  
o You can also visit: [5]bookmyvaccine.health.nz/.  


Other health support and services  

o Healthline – call free on 0800 611 116   

o if you’re concerned or not sure about something  
o if you can’t access a GP or you don’t have one  
o for advice about what’s happening for you and next steps  
o if you want advice on finding services near
visit [6]Healthpoint.  

o Healthcare services and support [7]available in New Zealand.  
o Contact your doctor or clinician.  
o Need to talk? Free call or text 1737 any time for support from a
trained counsellor.   
o Call the COVID-19 Healthline on 0800 358 5453.  
o For disability health and wellbeing support:  

o visit the Whaikaha [8]website  
o with any general health concerns, including managing COVID-19,
call the Disability Helpline on 0800 11 12 13 or text 8988.  

Ngâ mihi


  Office of Hon Dr Shane Reti 

Minister of Health 

Minister for Pacific Peoples 
Email: [email address

Private Bag 18041, Parliament Buildings, Wellington 6160, New Zealand 



Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
2. mailto:[email address]
3. mailto:[email address]
4. http://www.dpmc.govt.nz/our-business-uni...
5. https://bookmyvaccine.health.nz/
6. https://www.healthpoint.co.nz/
7. https://info.health.nz/services-support/
8. https://www.whaikaha.govt.nz/support-and...

Link to this

From: Shane Reti (MIN)
Shane Reti

Attachment image001.jpg
9K Download

Kia ora Chris


Thank you for your request for official information under the Official
Information Act 1982 (the Act) to the Office of Hon Dr Shane Reti. You


Please provide any and all emails, whatsapp messages, memos, notes, texts
that include the following key words to health authorities, agencies,
other politicians just any and all information that Mr Reti has been
included on that discusses


- Barry Young

- Steve Kirsch

- Whistleblower Data


This is since Mr Reti came to office


The reference number for your request is: SROIA-173

As required under the Official Information Act 1982, the Office will
endeavour to respond to your request no later than 20 working days after
the day your request was received. You can expect a response by 7 August


Under section 28(3) of the Act you have the right to ask the Ombudsman to
review any decisions made under this request. The Ombudsman may be
contacted by email at: [1][email address] or by calling 0800
802 602. 


Ngā mihi



Office of Hon Dr Shane Reti

Minister of Health

Minister for Pacific Peoples
Email: [2][email address]

Private Bag 18041, Parliament Buildings, Wellington 6160, New Zealand



show quoted sections

Link to this

From: Shane Reti (MIN)
Shane Reti

Attachment image001.jpg
9K Download

Kia ora Chris,

Thank you for your request for official information, received on 10 July
2024, for: 

“Please provide any and all emails, whatsapp messages, memos, notes, texts
that include the following key words to health authorities, agencies,
other politicians just any and all information that Mr Reti has been
included on that discusses


- Barry Young

- Steve Kirsch

- Whistleblower Data


This is since Mr Reti came to office”

As it currently stands, a significant amount of information is likely to
fall within scope of your request. Requests that require substantial
collation may be refused under section 18(f) of the Act. We want to work
with you to avoid this and ensure we are able to provide a response that
best meets your needs.


In order to provide you with the information requested, would you agree to
refine the scope of your request to cover emails and formal advice (memos,
briefings, etc.) received from officials, so that we can collate the
information in a manner that is feasibly retrievable?


We would appreciate if you could let us know by COB Monday 22 July 2024.

Please note, under section 15 of the Official Information Act 1982, any
clarification or amendments made to a request within seven days after the
date it is received, that request may be treated as a new request and the
time limit for the response restarts. 

We look forward to receiving your response. 


Ngâ mihi

Office of Hon Dr Shane Reti

Minister of Health

Minister for Pacific Peoples
Email: [1][email address]

Private Bag 18041, Parliament Buildings, Wellington 6160, New Zealand






Visible links
1. file:///tmp/[email address]

Link to this

From: Chris McCashin

Dear Shane Reti (MIN),

As usual this really calls into question the transparency of our government. Our previous government was doing workshops on how to avoid OIA requests - so if I agree to not get texts, whatsapp and instant messages then all I will get is the curated information, cover ups, lies that Health NZ are currently providing.

I will agree to refine my scope to cover emails and formal advice (memos, briefings, etc.) received from officials providing the following is included

- All of the emails provided fall within the scope - this means no emails should be blacked out where your office interprets them to be out of the scope of my request
- The notes, memos, advice include the analysis of the Pay-per-dose data done by Health Officials including Leigh Donoghue, his team, any experts engaged by Health New Zealand or Leigh including epidemiologists, and a review and analysis of the work done by Steve Kirsch
- Health New Zealand have stated the data is misinformation yet have not refuted the data, so I want any and all conclusions on the data including the personnel at Health NZ or the experts who have reviewed their data and what their conclusions are

What I am not looking for is how Health NZ are looking to frame the information in the media and reporting on this to the Minister. I want firm analysis, reports etc etc and email chains saying how Steve Kirsch is wrong and the experts named that say he is wrong and their corresponding analysis.

Given Medsafe decided not to have any trial groups for a novel treatment and then our government forced this on us. The only information available to us is data like this because our "experts" don't look at any sudden deaths outside the 28 day monitoring period. So lets see how Health NZ refute and have analysed their own data. The data is the data - and either Barry Young and Steve Kirsch are wrong. Or our agencies are criminals. It is that simple

Yours sincerely,

Chris McCashin

Link to this

From: Shane Reti (MIN)
Shane Reti

Attachment image001.jpg
3K Download

Kia ora Chris


Thank you for your request under the Official Information Act 1982 (the
Act) to the Office of Hon Dr Shane Reti on 10 July 2024. You requested:


Please provide any and all emails, whatsapp messages, memos, notes, texts
that include the following key words to health authorities, agencies,
other politicians just any and all information that Mr Reti has been
included on that discusses


o Barry Young
o Steve Kirsch
o Whistleblower Data


This is since Mr Reti came to office


On 17 July 2024, you clarified your request to :


o All of the emails provided fall within the scope - this means no
emails should be blacked out where your office interprets them to be
out of the scope of my request
o The notes, memos, advice include the analysis of the Pay-per-dose data
done by Health Officials including Leigh Donoghue, his team, any
experts engaged by Health New Zealand or Leigh including
epidemiologists, and a review and analysis of the work done by Steve
o Health New Zealand have stated the data is misinformation yet have not
refuted the data, so I want any and all conclusions on the data
including the personnel at Health NZ or the experts who have reviewed
their data and what their conclusions are


The below information you have requested is more closely connected with
the functions of Health New Zealand – Te Whatu Ora. Therefore, this Office
has decided to transfer your request under section 14(b)(ii) of the Act.
You can expect a response from Health New Zealand in due course.

o The notes, memos, advice include the analysis of the Pay-per-dose data
done by Health Officials including Leigh Donoghue, his team, any
experts engaged by Health New Zealand or Leigh including
epidemiologists, and a review and analysis of the work done by Steve
o Health New Zealand have stated the data is misinformation yet have not
refuted the data, so I want any and all conclusions on the data
including the personnel at Health NZ or the experts who have reviewed
their data and what their conclusions are



Under section 28(3) of the Act, you have the right to ask the Ombudsman to
review any decisions made under this request. The Ombudsman may be
contacted by email at: [1][email address] or by calling 0800
802 602.


Ngā mihi



Office of Hon Dr Shane Reti

Minister of Health

Minister for Pacific Peoples
Email: [2][email address]

Private Bag 18041, Parliament Buildings, Wellington 6160, New Zealand






Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
2. file:///tmp/[email address]

Link to this

From: hnzOIA

Tēnā koe, 


Thank you for contacting Health NZ, Te Whatu Ora. This is an automatic
reply to confirm that we have received your email.  Depending on the
nature of your request you may not receive a response for up to 20 working
days.  We will try to respond to your query as quickly as possible.



Ngā mihi


Health NZ, Te Whatu Ora.

Statement of confidentiality: This email message and any accompanying
attachments may contain information that is IN-CONFIDENCE and subject to
legal privilege. If you are not the intended recipient, do not read, use,
disseminate, distribute or copy this message or attachments. If you have
received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately and
delete this message

Link to this

From: Chris McCashin

Dear Shane Reti (MIN),

Please note whilst getting this information from Health NZ Mr Reti must have been sent their analysis. So I want the information that was emailed to Mr Reti with all the information I have asked. I don't want this kicked over to Health NZ. I want the information Health NZ or their agents have sent Mr Reti which have landed in his email and whenever those names have been mentioned in emails to the Minister. A search of Mr Retis email would be enough not this being kicked back to Health NZ.

Please provide the information I have requested. It is a simple search of his emails.

Yours sincerely,

Chris McCashin

Link to this

Erika Whittome left an annotation ()

There must be a reason for the narrative of “safe and effective “ - a narrative which relies on data that is never made publicly available, nor the discussions around the anonymized copy of this data…. It would be great for New Zealanders to be informed otherwise …

Link to this

From: Shane Reti (MIN)
Shane Reti

Attachment image001.jpg
9K Download

Tēnā koe Chris


Your request for official information, reference: SROIA-173

Thank you for your email asking for the following information under the
Official Information Act 1982 (the Act):


All of the emails provided fall within the scope 


We are writing to notify you that we are extending the timeframe for
responding to your request, to 26 September 2024. This extension is
required as your request necessitates a search through a large quantity of
information, and meeting the original time limit would unreasonably
interfere with the operations of the office.


We apologise for this delay, and will endeavour to send you a final
response as soon as practicable.


If you are not happy with this response, you have the right to make a
complaint to the Ombudsman. Information about how to do this is available
at [1]www.ombudsman.parliament.nz or by phoning 0800 802 602.


Office of Hon Dr Shane Reti

Minister of Health

Minister for Pacific Peoples
Email: [2][email address]

Private Bag 18041, Parliament Buildings, Wellington 6160, New Zealand






Visible links
1. http://www.ombudsman.parliament.nz/
2. file:///tmp/[email address]

Link to this

From: Chris McCashin

Dear Shane Reti (MIN),

Please just provide me ALL the information
I don’t require it to be curated I have asked for everything

Yours sincerely,

Chris McCashin

Link to this

From: Shane Reti (MIN)
Shane Reti

Kia ora   


Thank you for your email to the Minister of Health and Minister for
Pacific Peoples, Hon Dr Shane Reti.    


We will endeavour to respond to your email as soon as possible. However,
due to the high volume of emails, we may not be able to provide you with
an individualised response. Please note:  

* If you are an Whangârei constituent contacting the Minister about an
issue related to his electorate, your email will be passed to his
electorate office for consideration.  
* Invitations and requests to meet with the Minister will be considered
and his office will be in touch with you in due course.  
* Requests for official information will be managed in accordance with
provisions of the Official Information Act 1982, which may include a
transfer to a more relevant Minister or agency.  


If your email falls outside of the Minister's portfolio responsibilities,
expresses a personal view, or is copied to multiple Members of Parliament,
then your email will be noted and may be transferred to another Minister’s
office, or there may be no further response to you.  


If your email relates to matters including:  

* Smokefree 2025, smoking or vaping - these matters fall within the
portfolio responsibilities of Hon Casey Costello, Associate Minister
of Health. You can contact her by emailing
[1][email address].  
* Mental health & ACC - these matters fall within the portfolio
responsibilities of Hon Matt Doocey, Minister for ACC, Minister for
Mental Health, and Associate Minister of Health. You can contact him
by emailing [2][email address].  
* Pharmac, Medsafe or medicines funding - these matters fall within the
portfolio responsibilities of Hon David Seymour, Associate Minister of
Health. You can contact him by emailing
[3][email address].  


Further delegations details of Associate Ministers of Health can be found

Please do not expect a response from this office if your email relates to
the above matters.   


If it’s a medical emergency – call 111  

* This can include chest pain or tightness, difficulty breathing,
choking, severe bleeding or bleeding that won’t stop, sudden weakness
or difficulty talking, fainting or unconsciousness.  


Vaccination advice  

* Call the Vaccination Healthline for information about COVID-19, flu,
MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella), Boostrix (whooping cough) on 0800
28 29 26 8AM – 6PM Monday to Friday.  
* You can also visit: [5]bookmyvaccine.health.nz/.  


Other health support and services  

* Healthline – call free on 0800 611 116   

* if you’re concerned or not sure about something  
* if you can’t access a GP or you don’t have one  
* for advice about what’s happening for you and next steps  
* if you want advice on finding services near visit [6]Healthpoint.

* Healthcare services and support [7]available in New Zealand.  
* Contact your doctor or clinician.  
* Need to talk? Free call or text 1737 any time for support from a
trained counsellor.   
* Call the COVID-19 Healthline on 0800 358 5453.  
* For disability health and wellbeing support:  

* visit the Whaikaha [8]website  
* with any general health concerns, including managing COVID-19,
call the Disability Helpline on 0800 11 12 13 or text 8988.  

Ngâ mihi


Office of Hon Dr Shane Reti 

Minister of Health 
Minister for Pacific Peoples 
Email: [email address

Private Bag 18041, Parliament Buildings, Wellington 6160, New Zealand 



Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
2. mailto:[email address]
3. mailto:[email address]
4. http://www.dpmc.govt.nz/our-business-uni...
5. https://bookmyvaccine.health.nz/
6. https://www.healthpoint.co.nz/
7. https://info.health.nz/services-support/
8. https://www.whaikaha.govt.nz/support-and...

Link to this

From: hnzOIA

Attachment image.png
81K Download

Tēnā koe Chris,

Thank you for your email on 23 July 2024, asking for the following
information under the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act):


"• The notes, memos, advice include the analysis of the Pay-per-dose data
done by Health Officials including Leigh Donoghue, his team, any experts
engaged by Health New Zealand or Leigh including epidemiologists, and a
review and analysis of the work done by Steve Kirsch
• Health New Zealand have stated the data is misinformation yet have not
refuted the data, so I want any and all conclusions on the data including
the personnel at Health NZ or the experts who have reviewed their data and
what their conclusions are"


 This email is to let you know that Health NZ needs more time to make a
decision on your request.


The Act requires that we advise you of our decision on your request no
later than 20 working days after the day we received your request.
Unfortunately, it will not be possible to meet that time limit and we are
therefore writing to notify you of an extension of the time to make our
decision, to 24 September 2024.


This extension is required because consultations necessary to make a
decision on your request are such that a proper response cannot reasonably
be made within the original time limit.


If you have any questions, please contact us
at [1][email address]


If you are not happy with this extension, you have the right to make a
complaint to the Ombudsman. Information about how to do this is available
at www.ombudsman.parliament.nz or by phoning 0800 802 602.


Ngā mihi  
Obaid (He/him)
Government Services
Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora

Statement of confidentiality: This email message and any accompanying
attachments may contain information that is IN-CONFIDENCE and subject to
legal privilege. If you are not the intended recipient, do not read, use,
disseminate, distribute or copy this message or attachments. If you have
received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately and
delete this message


Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
2. http://tewhatuora.govt.nz/

Link to this

From: Chris McCashin

Dear Shane Reti,

Can you please respond to my original request

Health New Zealand ARE NOT responding and then have stated that the data is "misinformation"

How can "data" be misinformation?

The data has not been refuted and clearly shows the vaccine is responsible for mass death and illness

Can the Minister please respond to my original request urgently

The vaccine is still being given the data in this request shows that of 500,000 vaccines given since the end of 2023 (when Mr Reti was notified the vaccine was killing people) there have been in excess of 18,000 deaths in this group of people including 900 people less than 50!!


This is a crime - stop the vaccine and lets look at the on earth is going on.

Another super fit young Health NZ doctor just passed!

You guys are now just killing your own citizens

Yours faithfully,

Chris McCashin

Link to this

From: hnzOIA

Attachment image.png
81K Download

Attachment OIA HNZ00057462 Response.pdf
188K Download View as HTML

Kia ora Chris,
Thank you for your request for information regarding Covid Data Leak on 23
July 2024. Please find attached our response to your request.
If you have any questions, please get in touch at
[1][email address].
If you are not happy with this response, you have the right to make a
complaint to the Ombudsman. Information about how to do this is available
at [2]www.ombudsman.parliament.nz or by phoning 0800 802 602.
Ngā mihi  
Obaid (He/him)
Government Services
Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora
Statement of confidentiality: This email message and any accompanying
attachments may contain information that is IN-CONFIDENCE and subject to
legal privilege. If you are not the intended recipient, do not read, use,
disseminate, distribute or copy this message or attachments. If you have
received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately and
delete this message


Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
2. file:///tmp/
3. http://tewhatuora.govt.nz/

Link to this

From: Chris McCashin

Dear hnzOIA,

This isn't good enough
Please provide Health NZ definition of "Misinformation" and how the data that Barry young has released is "misinformation"

It wouldn't be difficult if you weren't trying to hide something

I have asked for the caveat as to how this is misinformation and you guys can't respond

You just say it is "misinformation" despite children having strokes and cardiac arrests

Can you please provide contact details as to who is in charge so I can arrange a meeting or send me a contact number so I can discuss this directly

As I said you have all the information and are now and have been for the last twelve months knowingly killing kiwis

Yours sincerely,

Chris McCashin

Link to this

From: Shane Reti (MIN)
Shane Reti

Attachment image001.jpg
9K Download

Attachment SROIA 173.pdf
517K Download View as HTML

Kia ora Chris,


Please find the response to your request for information attached.


Ngā mihi


Office of Hon Dr Shane Reti

Minister of Health

Minister for Pacific Peoples
Email: [1][email address]

Private Bag 18041, Parliament Buildings, Wellington 6160, New Zealand





Visible links
1. http://[email address]/

Link to this

N.R.B left an annotation ()

Brother, check this about the incoming monkey pox vaccine.... its current updated Aug 2024 https://www.fda.gov/media/75792/download
page 3 in the box... ACAM2000 contains live vaccinia virus that can be transmitted to persons who have close contact with the vaccinee and the risks in contacts are the same as those for the vaccinee.....

Then go read the risks fml. Also the bit about the scab...

Link to this

From: Chris McCashin

Dear Shane Reti (MIN),

So just to confirm

- There are hundreds of emails with those key words between Health NZ staff
- Health NZ have lied / refused to provide information per other OIA requests and have said there is nothing available yet this response confirms they are hiding swathes of internal correspondence yet have provided about ten pages to another requestor

Therefore I would like to revise this request - please provide all of the information in Mr Reti's email only with those key words

Please provide this at the earliest convenience given this is now a life and death matter. It is now and has been for sometime clear those vaccines are killing and a national hero has exposed this whilst you people attempt to hide it.

I expect a response with no delays / obfuscation / redactions.

Yours sincerely,

Chris McCashin

Link to this

From: Shane Reti (MIN)
Shane Reti

Attachment image001.jpg
9K Download

Kia ora Chris,


Thank you for your request for official information under the Official
Information Act 1982 (the Act) to the Office of Hon Dr Shane Reti. You
requested, in refernce to your previous request (SROIA-173):


Therefore I would like to revise this request - please provide all of the
information in Mr Reti's email only with those key words


The reference number for your request is: SROIA-294

As required under the Official Information Act 1982, the Office will
endeavour to respond to your request no later than 20 working days after
the day your request was received. You can expect a response by 25 October


Under section 28(3) of the Act you have the right to ask the Ombudsman to
review any decisions made under this request. The Ombudsman may be
contacted by email at: [1][email address] or by calling 0800
802 602. 


Ngā mihi



Office of Hon Dr Shane Reti

Minister of Health

Minister for Pacific Peoples
Email: [2][email address]

Private Bag 18041, Parliament Buildings, Wellington 6160, New Zealand



show quoted sections

Link to this

Chris McCashin left an annotation ()

Yep seen the monkey pox rubbish as well - we seem to be speaking past each other and that can only happen when people are compromised. Don’t think Mr Reti and his underlings are going to fob this off. There is no doubt “conspiracy theorists” are right and the country can’t move on until these men start fronting up and answering some questions.

Link to this

From: hnzOIA

Attachment image.png
81K Download

Attachment OIA HNZ00067437 Response.pdf
198K Download View as HTML

Kia ora Chris,
Thank you for your request for information. Please find attached our
response to your request.
If you have any questions, please get in touch at
[1][email address].
If you are not happy with this response, you have the right to make a
complaint to the Ombudsman. Information about how to do this is available
at [2]www.ombudsman.parliament.nz or by phoning 0800 802 602.
Ngā mihi  
Obaid (He/him)
Government Services
Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora

Statement of confidentiality: This email message and any accompanying
attachments may contain information that is IN-CONFIDENCE and subject to
legal privilege. If you are not the intended recipient, do not read, use,
disseminate, distribute or copy this message or attachments. If you have
received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately and
delete this message


Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
2. file:///tmp/
3. http://tewhatuora.govt.nz/

Link to this

We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Chris McCashin please sign in and let everyone know.

Things to do with this request

Shane Reti only: