Stolen vehicle report Lower Hutt

Jonathon Gilbert made this Official Information request to New Zealand Police

Response to this request is long overdue. By law New Zealand Police should have responded by now (details and exceptions). The requester can complain to the Ombudsman.

From: Jonathon Gilbert

Hello New Zealand Police,

I am writing to request the statistics and data on stolen vehicles in Lower Hutt.

Specifically I would request an "excel spreadsheet" containing the following columns from the date range - 01/05/2024 - 31/11/2024.

- Date stolen*

- Date victim reported it as stolen*

- Date of first correspondence from police to the victim after report was made.

- Location stolen from*

- Make/Model & Year

- Vehicle Found (Y/N)*

- Date recovered?*
- Location recovered?*

- Date victim advised of recovery?

- Suspects found?* (Y/N)
- Suspects charged?* (Y/N)
- What was the charge? and punishment?*
- Specifically any reparations? (Y/N)
- Specifically any Suspension of licence? (Y/N)

If this date range is too wide. please shorten this to the most recent 6 month period ending at the most recent date available.
I have limited this data to specifically Upper Hutt to reduce the required workload in acquiring this data.

All above requested data is highly valuable and would be greatly appreciated if it can be provided. However, I understand something may not have been recorded in a manor that is accessible within reason on request. details marked with a (*) are of the highest priority.
Vault uploads and suspects charged is of key interest into this enquiry.

Much appreciated

Kind Regards
Jonathon Gilbert
Hutt Valley Security Noticeboard

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Things to do with this request

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