Exam 'fines'
R. Bohan made this Official Information request to University of Auckland
Currently waiting for a response from University of Auckland, they must respond promptly and normally no later than (details and exceptions).
From: R. Bohan
Dear University of Auckland,
I am requesting, under the Official Information Act, the following information:
1. Number of exam 'fines' issued, by semester. Please break this down by type of 'fine', as well as the outcome: how many were paid, appealed, ignored or otherwise - ideally in Excel format.
2. Total income from exam 'fines' by semester.
3. Any internal correspondence related to the enforceability of ''fines', or attempts at collecting/recovering them.
Thanks in advance.
Yours faithfully,
R. Bohan
From: R. Bohan
Dear University of Auckland,
I am writing to remind you that under the Official Information Act, there is a deadline of 20 working days, which has already been exceeded. Hence, I am requesting an update. I look forward to your response.
Yours faithfully,
R. Bohan
From: Landon Watt
University of Auckland
Dear R. Bohan,
I refer to your email of 5 December 2024. Under section 12(2) of the OIA,
requests for official information must specify the official information
requested with due particularity. You have requested statistics and
correspondence relating to exam fines, but your request does not specify
the period you are requesting the information for.
I understand that by “exam fines” you mean fines under the University’s
Examination Regulations
o 7(c) fine of $100 where a “non-permitted electronic device, and/or
item of mobile technology, and/or watch of any kind is identified in
the possession of a student:… during an on-campus, invigilated
o 7(d) fine of $150 where a device emits an audible sound or alarm
during an on-campus examination (“Audible alarms may not be active on
any devices permitted in an on-campus examination location. Any device
that emits an audible sound signal or alarm during an examination will
be removed for the duration of the examination and a fine of $150 will
o 9(b) fine of $150 after receiving two warning letters for other
offences that are not academic integrity matters. (“Any complaint that
a student has committed an offence not specified in Regulation 7
relating to unauthorised equipment or materials, timekeeping or other
minor matter in which questions of academic integrity are not at stake
will receive a warning letter from the Assessment Services Manager. If
a student receives two such warning letters they will be fined
It is unclear whether you wish to also request information relating to
administrative fees for identity verification where students undertaking
invigilated on-campus examinations do not present a valid student identity
“3. Any internal correspondence related to the enforceability of ''fines',
or attempts at collecting/recovering them.”
Non-payment of examination fines and charges falls under r10 of the
Examination Regulations:
“10 a The Assessment Services Manager has the delegated authority to
impose the examination fines and charges set out in these Regulations.
b Where a student does not pay a fine or charge imposed under these
Regulations then, until those fines or charges are paid in full and
without prejudice to the right to recover the unpaid fines or charges at
law, the Assessment Services Manager may authorise:
(i) withholding the formal notification of the results of any examination
of the student
(ii) declining to re-enrol the student
(iii) declining to release the student’s academic record
(iv) withholding any degree or diploma certificate from that student
(v) restricting that student’s access to University services
(vi) charging a late payment fee not exceeding $50
(vii) imposing additional charges to recover legal and collection costs
where a third party is engaged to recover those fees and charges.”
This request, as currently worded, is very broad and so raises substantial
collation and research issues. Further, correspondence about enforcement
of individual fines, if collated in response to your request, would likely
be withheld to protect the privacy of the students to whom it relates. A
request for 2024 communications about enforcement and enforceability of
examination fines held by the Assessment Services Manager, excluding
communications on the enforcement of individual fines, would be more
workable (though potentially subject to other withholding grounds
depending on its content).
Once you have specified the information you wish to request with due
particularity, the University will respond as soon as reasonably
practicable, within the OIA’s maximum time limit of 20 working days,
unless that time limit is extended under the OIA.
Yours sincerely,
Landon Watt
Legal Advisor
Office of the Vice-Chancellor
Waipapa Taumata Rau | University of Auckland
show quoted sections
From: R. Bohan
Hello Landon Watt,
Thanks for your response. I greatly appreciate your efforts - I have provided clarification below:
> your request does not specify the period you are requesting the information for
Apologies for not providing the timestamp initially - could you provide this information from Semester 1 of 2018 to present?
> It is unclear whether you wish to also request information relating to
administrative fees for identity verification where students undertaking
invigilated on-campus examinations do not present a valid student identity
Yes, I would prefer these to be included as well.
> correspondence about enforcement of individual fines, if collated in response to your request, would likely be withheld to protect the privacy of the students to whom it relates
I am satisfied with the information provided I'm happy to proceed without this information and rescind point 3 of my original request for now.
For your convenience, I've copied a clarified version of my original correspondence below:
I am requesting a brief summary of exam fines (7(c) 7(d) 9(b)), and the administrative fee for identity verification (7(f)(i)), from the period of Semester 1 2018 to Present.
For each instance, please break this down by semester, type of fee, as well as the outcome/status: how many were (if the data is available):
- paid
- paid with late payment (10(b)(vi))
- paid including additional charges as per 10(b)(vii)
- appealed
- ignored / not payed
- ignored / not payed despite additional charges levied as per (10(b)(vii))
- any other status possible as recorded - feel free to tweak categories as needed.
It would be optimal if this data is provided in Excel format. For example, the data could be (note Amount is included so that additional charges under 10(b)(vii) can be seen):
Semester, FeeType, Status, Amount
2021S1, 7C, PAID_10_B_VII, 300
This format is purely a suggestion - feel free to provide the information in any reasonable format as you see fit, provided it provides the information as per the rest of the request.
I've deliberately excluded point 2 from this clarification as this could reasonably be derived from the data in point 1 - hence point 2 is a redundant request.
I believe that I have clarified my request to be with due particularity - let me know if this is not the case and I will be happy to correct further.
I eagerly await your response.
R. Bohan
Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
- Download a zip file of all correspondence
R. Bohan left an annotation ()
It seems like University of Auckland have a repeated pattern of not responding to requests on this site in time - almost all have been delayed. They claim to have problems receiving email, however sometimes they do not respond in time after an extension.
Maybe I will attempt to call them.
Link to this