IPCA report on Policing of Public Protests
New Zealand Council for Civil Liberties made this Official Information request to New Zealand Police
Currently waiting for a response from New Zealand Police, they must respond promptly and normally no later than (details and exceptions).
From: New Zealand Council for Civil Liberties
Dear New Zealand Police,
On 18 February 2025, the Independent Police Conduct Authority (IPCA) published a report ‘The Policing of Public Protests in New Zealand’.
In paragraph 5 of the report the IPCA stated, “However, the need to undertake this review was discussed and agreed with Police from an early stage, and some components of the review have been conducted jointly with Police.”
The Council requests the following information under the Official Information Act:
1. All communications to and from the IPCA relating to this report, excluding anything relating to any specific complaint. Given that the IPCA has indicated it discussed and agreed the review with Police, and that some components of the review have been conducted jointly with the Police, we expect this would include emails, briefings, meeting notes, formal and informal advice, and responses to the positions of the IPCA and its other collaboration partners and stakeholders.
2. All internal analysis, assessment, consideration, formal and informal advice, and recommendations or responses developed or communicated within the Police about the issues raised in the IPCA report and the recommendations made by IPCA.
3. All information recording Police decisions on how to proceed regarding the recommendations made by the IPCA in its report.
4. All communications from the Police about the report, or how to proceed following the publication of the report, to (a) the Minister of Police, (b) the Associate Minister of Police, (c) Ministry of Justice, (d) the Minister of Justice, (e) the Department of Internal Affairs, and (f) the NZ Security Intelligence Service.
Under section 16(2) of the OIA our preferences are (a) to receive a copy of the whole document (b) that the information is disclosed in a text searchable format, either Word or PDF, and (c) that it is sent to the email address from which the Police received this request.
If the Police decides that there is 'good reason' under the OIA to withhold any of the information we are requesting, then under section 19(a)(ii) of the OIA, we further request that the Police provide us with the grounds in support of each withholding reason cited for refusal. Guidance for agencies on how to meet their section 19(a)(ii) obligations is available from the Ombudsman at this location: https://www.ombudsman.parliament.nz/reso...
If any part of our request is unclear, please don't hesitate to contact us. A response to this request is due as soon as reasonably practicable, and in any case no later than 25 March 2025. If a large volume of information is in scope, then we are willing to discuss an extension, or to amend our request to a list of material.
Yours faithfully,
New Zealand Council for Civil Liberties
From: Ministerial Services
New Zealand Police
Tēnā koe
I acknowledge receipt of your Official Information Act 1982 (OIA) request below.
Your reference number is IR-01-25-7229.
You can expect a response to your request on or before 25 March 2025 unless an extension is needed.
Ngā mihi
Siena (she/her)
Advisor - Ministerial Services
Police National Headquarters
-----Original Message-----
From: New Zealand Council for Civil Liberties <[FOI #30211 email]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2025 2:34 PM
To: Ministerial Services <[email address]>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Official Information request - IPCA report on Policing of Public Protests
CAUTION: This email originated from outside the New Zealand Police Network. DO NOT click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and are assured that the content is safe.
Dear New Zealand Police,
On 18 February 2025, the Independent Police Conduct Authority (IPCA) published a report ‘The Policing of Public Protests in New Zealand’.
In paragraph 5 of the report the IPCA stated, “However, the need to undertake this review was discussed and agreed with Police from an early stage, and some components of the review have been conducted jointly with Police.”
The Council requests the following information under the Official Information Act:
1. All communications to and from the IPCA relating to this report, excluding anything relating to any specific complaint. Given that the IPCA has indicated it discussed and agreed the review with Police, and that some components of the review have been conducted jointly with the Police, we expect this would include emails, briefings, meeting notes, formal and informal advice, and responses to the positions of the IPCA and its other collaboration partners and stakeholders.
2. All internal analysis, assessment, consideration, formal and informal advice, and recommendations or responses developed or communicated within the Police about the issues raised in the IPCA report and the recommendations made by IPCA.
3. All information recording Police decisions on how to proceed regarding the recommendations made by the IPCA in its report.
4. All communications from the Police about the report, or how to proceed following the publication of the report, to (a) the Minister of Police, (b) the Associate Minister of Police, (c) Ministry of Justice, (d) the Minister of Justice, (e) the Department of Internal Affairs, and (f) the NZ Security Intelligence Service.
Under section 16(2) of the OIA our preferences are (a) to receive a copy of the whole document (b) that the information is disclosed in a text searchable format, either Word or PDF, and (c) that it is sent to the email address from which the Police received this request.
If the Police decides that there is 'good reason' under the OIA to withhold any of the information we are requesting, then under section 19(a)(ii) of the OIA, we further request that the Police provide us with the grounds in support of each withholding reason cited for refusal. Guidance for agencies on how to meet their section 19(a)(ii) obligations is available from the Ombudsman at this location: https://www.ombudsman.parliament.nz/reso...
If any part of our request is unclear, please don't hesitate to contact us. A response to this request is due as soon as reasonably practicable, and in any case no later than 25 March 2025. If a large volume of information is in scope, then we are willing to discuss an extension, or to amend our request to a list of material.
Yours faithfully,
New Zealand Council for Civil Liberties
This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.
Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #30211 email]
Is [New Zealand Police request email] the wrong address for Official Information requests to New Zealand Police? If so, please contact us using this form:
Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:
If you find this service useful as an Official Information officer, please ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's OIA or LGOIMA page.
The information contained in this email message is intended for the addressee only and may contain privileged information. It may also be subject to the provisions of section 50 of the Policing Act 2008, which creates an offence to have unlawful possession of Police property. If you are not the intended recipient of this message or have received this message in error, you must not peruse, use, distribute or copy this message or any of its contents. Also note, the views expressed in this message may not necessarily reflect those of the New Zealand Police. If you have received this message in error, please email or telephone the sender immediately
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From: Ministerial Services
New Zealand Police
Tēnā koe
Police is enquiring with you in relation to refining question two of your
Official Information Act 1982 (OIA) request of 25 February 2025, police
reference IR-01-25-7229. You requested:
2. All internal analysis, assessment, consideration, formal and
informal advice, and recommendations or responses developed or
communicated within the Police about the issues raised in the IPCA report
and the recommendations made by IPCA.
While scoping and collating the material in scope of this part of your
request, Police has identified that responding to this part of your
request would require a search through a substantial amount of
information. This would be likely to have a significant and unreasonable
impact on Police’s ability to carry out its other operations.
Police would like to enquire with you on narrowing the scope of
information requested in question two to formal advice only, to enable
Police to respond to your request without substantial collation and
Please confirm by 4pm 6 March 2025 if you would like to refine your
request. Please note that if the request is not refined, Police may
consider refusing that part of your request under section 18(f) OIA.
Please note, under section 15 of the OIA, any clarification or amendments
made to a request within seven working days, that request may be treated
as a new request and the time limit for the response restarts.
Ngā mihi
Ministerial Services
Police National Headquarters
-----Original Message-----
From: Ministerial Services
Sent: Wednesday, February 26, 2025 1:07 PM
To: New Zealand Council for Civil Liberties
<[FOI #30211 email]>
Subject: OIA Acknowledgment IR-01-25-7229
Tēnā koe
I acknowledge receipt of your Official Information Act 1982 (OIA) request
Your reference number is IR-01-25-7229.
You can expect a response to your request on or before 25 March 2025
unless an extension is needed.
Ngā mihi
Siena (she/her)
Advisor - Ministerial Services
Police National Headquarters
-----Original Message-----
From: New Zealand Council for Civil Liberties
<[1][FOI #30211 email]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2025 2:34 PM
To: Ministerial Services <[2][email address]>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Official Information request - IPCA report on Policing
of Public Protests
CAUTION: This email originated from outside the New Zealand Police
Network. DO NOT click links or open attachments unless you recognise the
sender and are assured that the content is safe.
Dear New Zealand Police,
On 18 February 2025, the Independent Police Conduct Authority (IPCA)
published a report ‘The Policing of Public Protests in New Zealand’.
In paragraph 5 of the report the IPCA stated, “However, the need to
undertake this review was discussed and agreed with Police from an early
stage, and some components of the review have been conducted jointly with
The Council requests the following information under the Official
Information Act:
1. All communications to and from the IPCA relating to this report,
excluding anything relating to any specific complaint. Given that the IPCA
has indicated it discussed and agreed the review with Police, and that
some components of the review have been conducted jointly with the Police,
we expect this would include emails, briefings, meeting notes, formal and
informal advice, and responses to the positions of the IPCA and its other
collaboration partners and stakeholders.
2. All internal analysis, assessment, consideration, formal and
informal advice, and recommendations or responses developed or
communicated within the Police about the issues raised in the IPCA report
and the recommendations made by IPCA.
3. All information recording Police decisions on how to proceed
regarding the recommendations made by the IPCA in its report.
4. All communications from the Police about the report, or how to
proceed following the publication of the report, to (a) the Minister of
Police, (b) the Associate Minister of Police, (c) Ministry of Justice, (d)
the Minister of Justice, (e) the Department of Internal Affairs, and (f)
the NZ Security Intelligence Service.
Under section 16(2) of the OIA our preferences are (a) to receive a copy
of the whole document (b) that the information is disclosed in a text
searchable format, either Word or PDF, and (c) that it is sent to the
email address from which the Police received this request.
If the Police decides that there is 'good reason' under the OIA to
withhold any of the information we are requesting, then under section
19(a)(ii) of the OIA, we further request that the Police provide us with
the grounds in support of each withholding reason cited for refusal.
Guidance for agencies on how to meet their section 19(a)(ii) obligations
is available from the Ombudsman at this location:
If any part of our request is unclear, please don't hesitate to contact
us. A response to this request is due as soon as reasonably practicable,
and in any case no later than 25 March 2025. If a large volume of
information is in scope, then we are willing to discuss an extension, or
to amend our request to a list of material.
Yours faithfully,
New Zealand Council for Civil Liberties
This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.
Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[4][FOI #30211 email]
Is [5][New Zealand Police request email] the wrong address for Official
Information requests to New Zealand Police? If so, please contact us using
this form:
Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on
the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:
If you find this service useful as an Official Information officer, please
ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's OIA or LGOIMA
The information contained in this email message is intended for the
addressee only and may contain privileged information. It may also be
subject to the provisions of section 50 of the Policing Act 2008, which
creates an offence to have unlawful possession of Police property. If you
are not the intended recipient of this message or have received this
message in error, you must not peruse, use, distribute or copy this
message or any of its contents. Also note, the views expressed in this
message may not necessarily reflect those of the New Zealand Police. If
you have received this message in error, please email or telephone the
sender immediately
Visible links
1. mailto:[FOI #30211 email]
2. mailto:[email address]
3. https://www.ombudsman.parliament.nz/reso...
4. mailto:[FOI #30211 email]
5. mailto:[New Zealand Police request email]
6. https://fyi.org.nz/change_request/new?bo...
7. https://fyi.org.nz/help/officers
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From: New Zealand Council for Civil Liberties
Dear Ministerial Services,
The Council is willing to narrow the scope of part 2 of our request to the following: (i) all formal advice, and (ii) the names of any teams, working groups, or similar that are doing work to respond to the IPCA report on policing protest.
Yours sincerely,
New Zealand Council for Civil Liberties
Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
- Download a zip file of all correspondence