We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Rob Elshire please sign in and let everyone know.

Documents relating to 158 and 164 Turitea Road Palmerston North

Rob Elshire made this Official Information request to Land Information New Zealand

This request has an unknown status. We're waiting for Rob Elshire to read a recent response and update the status.

From: Rob Elshire

Dear Land Information New Zealand,

I am requesting any documents / records you have including (but not limited) to plans, RMA certificates, titles, subdivisions, amalgamations etc. related to the parcels known or formerly known as 158 and 164 Turitea Road in Palmerston North from January 2018 to present.

To help guide this request, we are interested in documents related to following deposited plans (and any others pertaining to the same land): 599694, 595065, and 592670.

Yours faithfully,

Rob Elshire

Link to this

From: Ministerial Support
Land Information New Zealand

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Tēnā koe Rob,


Thank you for your request under the Official information Act 1982, that
was received by LINZ on 3 March 2025.


You can expect a response to your request as soon as practicable and no
later than 31 March 2025. This date is 20 working days* following the date
your request was received by LINZ.


For Information

·                Our response to your request (with your personal details
withheld) alongside any attached documentation may be proactively released
on the [1]Toitū Te Whenua website which aligns with our proactive release
policy dated 24 June 2024.

·                There may also be times where we will be asked to release
the details of your name and/or copy of your request to external third
parties, for example those who originally provided the requested
information to LINZ, or whom the information is about. We would ask that
you respond to this email within two working days to identify any concerns
you may have with this release. If no response is received by 7 March
2025  we will take this as approval to release these details if asked.

·                Confirmation on whether we intend to proactively release
our response to you will be advised in our final communication with you.


Ngā mihi,


Berenika Juzkova

Business Specialist | Mātanga Pakihi

Ministerial and Government Services

Strategy, Policy and Ministerials


[2][email address] | DDI +64 4 471 6506


  Wellington Office, Level 7, Radio New Zealand
House, 155 The Terrace
[3]Toitu Te Whenua colour PO Box 5501, Wellington 6145, New Zealand
[4]www.linz.govt.nz | [5]data.linz.govt.nz


[6]link to facebook          [7]link to
LinkedIn          [8]link to
Twitter          [9]Link to YouTube



* When counting working days, day 1 is the first working day after the day
on which the request is received by the agency. ‘Working day’ means any
day of the week other than: Saturday and Sunday; national public holidays
(Waitangi Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Anzac Day, Queen’s Birthday,
Matariki, Labour Day); and the period from 25 December to 15 January




show quoted sections

Link to this

From: Ministerial Support
Land Information New Zealand

Attachment image001.png
15K Download

Attachment image002.png
0K Download

Attachment image003.png
0K Download

Attachment image004.png
0K Download

Attachment image005.png
0K Download


Kia ora Rob,


Further to your OIA request received on 3 March, would you be comfortable
with sharing a contact number, and a few times when you would be available
to take a call, so that we can contact you to clarify what specific
information you are seeking?


Ngā mihi nui,


Berenika Juzkova

Business Specialist | Mātanga Pakihi

Ministerial and Government Services

Strategy, Policy and Ministerials


[1][email address] | DDI +64 4 471 6506


  Wellington Office, Level 7, Radio New Zealand
House, 155 The Terrace
[2]Toitu Te Whenua colour PO Box 5501, Wellington 6145, New Zealand
[3]www.linz.govt.nz | [4]data.linz.govt.nz


[5]link to facebook          [6]link to
LinkedIn          [7]link to
Twitter          [8]Link to YouTube




From: Ministerial Support
Sent: Tuesday, 4 March 2025 12:56 pm
To: Rob Elshire <[FOI #30278 email]>
Subject: RE: Official Information request - Documents relating to 158 and
164 Turitea Road Palmerston North


Tēnā koe Rob,


Thank you for your request under the Official information Act 1982, that
was received by LINZ on 3 March 2025.


You can expect a response to your request as soon as practicable and no
later than 31 March 2025. This date is 20 working days* following the date
your request was received by LINZ.


For Information

·                Our response to your request (with your personal details
withheld) alongside any attached documentation may be proactively released
on the [9]Toitū Te Whenua website which aligns with our proactive release
policy dated 24 June 2024.

·                There may also be times where we will be asked to release
the details of your name and/or copy of your request to external third
parties, for example those who originally provided the requested
information to LINZ, or whom the information is about. We would ask that
you respond to this email within two working days to identify any concerns
you may have with this release. If no response is received by 7 March
2025  we will take this as approval to release these details if asked.

·                Confirmation on whether we intend to proactively release
our response to you will be advised in our final communication with you.


Ngā mihi,


Berenika Juzkova

Business Specialist | Mātanga Pakihi

Ministerial and Government Services

Strategy, Policy and Ministerials


[10][email address] | DDI +64 4 471 6506


  Wellington Office, Level 7, Radio New Zealand
House, 155 The Terrace
[11]Toitu Te Whenua colour PO Box 5501, Wellington 6145, New Zealand
[12]www.linz.govt.nz | [13]data.linz.govt.nz


[14]link to facebook          [15]link to
LinkedIn          [16]link to
Twitter          [17]Link to YouTube



* When counting working days, day 1 is the first working day after the day
on which the request is received by the agency. ‘Working day’ means any
day of the week other than: Saturday and Sunday; national public holidays
(Waitangi Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Anzac Day, Queen’s Birthday,
Matariki, Labour Day); and the period from 25 December to 15 January



show quoted sections

Link to this

We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Rob Elshire please sign in and let everyone know.

Things to do with this request

Land Information New Zealand only: