Pollution Report, Buller River mid-Jan 2025.

Kevin Smith made this Official Information request to West Coast Regional Council

Currently waiting for a response from West Coast Regional Council, they must respond promptly and normally no later than (details and exceptions).

From: Kevin Smith

Dear West Coast Regional Council,

1. . . Could you please provide the correspondence between WCRC and other parties, including BDC, following the Pollution report filed in mid-Jan ?

The event was originally reported to the Compliance Team by Kevin Smith, it concerned the dredge Kawatiri and the activity in the Buller River.

Background. ......
The dredge was operating in the Westport lagoon and Buller River on 9th and 10th Jan 2025.
The webcam footage appeared to show the dredge trickle discharging in the Buller River. It did not cross the bar and dump at the normal site. This activity was early morning and covered three or four trips.

Over the weekend, 11th Jan, a resident reported seeing an oil stain line running along a stretch of the North Beach.
I spoke to him and also a former Harbour Master, before ringing and filing the event report, possibly about 15th.

I have not received a reply or heard of any follow-up.

Yours faithfully,

Kevin Smith

Link to this

From: WCRC Information
West Coast Regional Council

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-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Smith <[FOI #30311 email]>
Sent: Thursday, 6 March 2025 10:27 AM
To: WCRC Information <[West Coast Regional Council request email]>
Subject: Official Information request - Pollution Report, Buller River
mid-Jan 2025.

Caution! This message was sent from outside your organization.

Dear West Coast Regional Council,

1. . . Could you please provide the correspondence between WCRC and other
parties, including BDC, following the Pollution report filed in mid-Jan ?

The event was originally reported to the Compliance Team by Kevin Smith,
it concerned the dredge Kawatiri and the activity in the Buller River.

Background. ......
The dredge was operating in the Westport lagoon and Buller River on 9th
and 10th Jan 2025.
The webcam footage appeared to show the dredge trickle discharging in the
Buller River. It did not cross the bar and dump at the normal site. This
activity was early morning and covered three or four trips.

Over the weekend, 11th Jan, a resident reported seeing an oil stain line
running along a stretch of the North Beach.
I spoke to him and also a former Harbour Master, before ringing and filing
the event report, possibly about 15th.

I have not received a reply or heard of any follow-up.

Yours faithfully,

Kevin Smith


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3. Facebook
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5. YouTube
6. West Coast Regional Council Website

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