David Brotherhood
Joined FYI in 2017
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This person's 8 Official Information requests
Executive Director National Projects
Response by Health New Zealand to David Brotherhood on .
Tēnā koe,
Thank you for contacting Health NZ, Te Whatu Ora. This is an automatic
reply to confirm that we have received your email. Depending...
General Manager Acute Demand and System Pressures for Hospital & Specialist Services
Response by Health New Zealand to David Brotherhood on .
Kia ora David,
Thank you for your request for information. Please find attached our
response to your request.
If you have any questions, pleas...
OIA request General Manager Acute Demand and System Pressures
Request sent to Health New Zealand by David Brotherhood on .
Long overdue.
Kia ora Te Whatu Ora,
Please can you confirm that you have received the OIA request submitted via fyi.org.nz on 26 June 2023. To date no response has...
Kia ora David,
On behalf of Te Whatu Ora, please find attached the response for your
request for official information.
Ngā mihi
OIA Services...
Positive COVID-19 detection late in cycle
Follow up sent to Ministry of Health by David Brotherhood on .
Tēnā koe,
Thank you for your response. Could you please clarify the grounds on which you are declining the request. You have cited s18(g)(i) - that t...
Highest 10 vaccinations performed
Response by Auckland District Health Board to David Brotherhood on .
Kia ora David
Here is our response to your recent OIA on this subject.
Ngā mihi,
Mark Fenwick (he/him)
Official Informat...
Conflict of interest register
Response by Auckland District Health Board to David Brotherhood on .
Dear David
Please find enclosed our response to Official Information Act request of
17 February 2019 regarding copies of the conflict of interes...
Industrial action 8th December 2017
Response by Auckland Transport to David Brotherhood on .
Dear Mr Brotherhood
Thank you for your email.
At the outset, I sincerely apologise for the administrative oversight. I
had assumed th...
This person's annotations
None made.