There is more than one person who uses this site and has this name. One of them is shown below, you may mean a different one: gold
This person's 14 Official Information requests
This has been referred to the Ombudsman.
While the request is flagged as "Refused" this is because there are no communications of the nature of those requested.
I do note that there is no de...
Kia ora Gold
Please find attached a response from the Ministry for Regulation.
Ngâ mihi
Ministerial Services
Ministry for Regulation Organisational...
Within Te Amaru - Disability Services
Response by Victoria University of Wellington to Gold on .
Tēnā koe Gold
Official information request for information about staff within Te Amaru -
Disability Services
I refer to your official info...
Number of permanent staff in Awhina unit
Response by Victoria University of Wellington to Gold on .
Tēnā koe Gold
Official information request for information about permanent staff in
Pasifika unit
I refer to your official information req...
Training of professional staff managers
Response by Victoria University of Wellington to Gold on .
Tēnā koe Gold
Official information request for professional staff manager trainings
We refer to your official information request dated 24...
Tēnā koe Gold
Official information request for information about staff diversity
I refer to your official information request dated 24 Janu...
Materials provided to hiring staff managers
Response by Victoria University of Wellington to Gold on .
Tēnā koe Gold
Official information request regarding materials provided to hiring staff
I refer to your official information requ...
Is the Pharmacy Council a "New Zealand public authority"?
Response by Ministry of Health to Gold on .
Dear Gold
Please see attached letter from Anthony Ilott, Manager - Early Assistance
Yours sincerely
Office of the Ombudsman | Tari o te Ka...
Missing half million in reported Acupuncture spend in 2004/2005.
Information not held.
This question was answered, after a fashion, in another OIA request I had in the system. It can be located here;
Money spent on alternative therapies (update)
Response by Accident Compensation Corporation to Gold on .
Good morning Gold,
Please find attached ACC's response in regards to your request for information.
Kind Regards,
Koleti Vae'au, Team Manager, Gove...
Who names the qualifications?
Response by New Zealand Qualifications Authority to Gold on .
Long overdue.
Thanks for the email Gold.
One of you questions is easy to respond to and will, based on my
understand of what Mark has shared with me, will provi...
What is the decision making process for gaining accreditation.
Response by New Zealand Qualifications Authority to Gold on .
Waiting clarification.
Dear Gold,
Thank you for your request made under the provisions of the
Official Information Act 1982.
From your full set of questions it appears t...
list of public actions that resulted in ACC changing policy
Response by Accident Compensation Corporation to Gold on .
Information not held.
I have attached a copy of ACC's response to your Official Information Act
Hugh McIlraith, Advisor, ACC
ACC / Government S...
This person's 4 annotations
This has been referred to the Ombudsman.
Operation Trolley costings
Thanks for making this request. I was just about to do the same.
I would also explicitly ask for the cost of wages of those involved in all...
While the request is flagged as "Refused" this is because there are no communications of the nature of those requested.
I do note that there is no de...
Missing half million in reported Acupuncture spend in 2004/2005.
Information not held.
This question was answered, after a fashion, in another OIA request I had in the system. It can be located here;