There is more than one person who uses this site and has this name. One of them is shown below, you may mean a different one: Steve hall
This person's 7 Official Information requests
Hi Ashley,
Did you receive any up date on this yet please ?
I appreciate this is a request for info, but would have liked this information soone...
thank you for providing this information.
This satisfies my request fully
thank you,
Yours sincerely,
Steve Hall
thank you for providing this info, this satisfies my request
Yours sincerely,
Steve Hall
thank you for the reply :)
Yours sincerely,
Steve Hall
Kia ora,
Thank you for your Official Information Act (the Act) request. This is
an automatic reply to let you know we received it.
Due to...
Bus Lane traffic
Request to Auckland Transport by Steve Hall. Annotated by [User 7569 name removed] (Account suspended) on .
Long overdue.
Crikey. I knew they were experts at ignoring people but wth.
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This person's annotations
None made.