Office of the Ombudsman
A public authority
The Office of the Ombudsman is not subject to the OIA. However, it is included here to assist in making requests of it. Be sure to acknowledge that this is not an OIA request in the body of your request.
34 requests
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I would like to know...
Response by Office of the Ombudsman to MItchell Stevenson on .
Information not held.
Dear Mr Stevenson
I refer to your information request on behalf of the Chief Ombudsman. The
Ombudsman does not record information about complain...
List of ccomplaints/cases and delivery times
Response by Office of the Ombudsman to Shane Gibson on .
Kia ora Shane
Thank you for your query.
The Ombudsman is not subject to the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA). Nevertheless, the Ombudsmen endeavou...
Tçnâ koe Mr Innes
The Chief Ombudsman is not subject to the Official Information Act 1982
(OIA) and Ombudsmen and their staff are required by la...
Flagrant violations of OIA by Police
Response by Office of the Ombudsman to Mohammed Khan on .
Kia ora Mr Khan
Please be advised that this Office sent correspondence to your private
email address. If your contact details have changed, plea...
Kia ora
Please see the attached letter from the Office of the Ombudsman.
Ngā mihi
Todd Moore
Assistant Investigator
Office of the...
Request for decision on not to investigate the Ministry of Social Development
Response by Office of the Ombudsman to Amanda Murtagh on .
Thank you for contacting the Office of the Ombudsman. This is an automated acknowledgement of your email.
If you have submitted a new complaint, we wi...
Dear Mr Morrison
The information is question is ‘official information’ only in an agency’s
hands. The OIA does not apply to information held by...
Dear Mr Bloxham
Thank you for your inquiry. Due to this Office’s secrecy provision, any
matters relating to the Office of the Ombudsman cannot...
Dear Jenny,
Please see attached letter from Anthony Ilott, Manager, Early Assistance
Yours sincerely
Office of the Ombudsman | Tari o t...
Report on Application for Review by Prof Jane Kelsey
Response by Office of the Ombudsman to dukeofurl on .
Dear S Curtis,
Publication of the full opinion of an Ombudsman will not be appropriate in
every case. This reflects the requirements in sections...
Who gave Cameron Slater the spread sheet containing 6900 ACC claimants personal details?
Response by Office of the Ombudsman to on .
Thank you for your email requesting “Who is the person/individual that
handed Mr Cameron Slater, or better known as 'Whale Oil' the un-redacted
What do you mean by safety?
Perhaps you need to reword the request.
If you want to know how ACC insures that it's Assessors (Medical or otherwise) a...
Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?
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