Conditions for remote controlled flights of Zephyr Airworks
George Dacher made this Official Information request to Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand
The request was refused by Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand.
From: George Dacher
Dear Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand,
You have grated Zephyr Airworks an Unmanned Aircraft Operators Certificate under CAR Part 102 which approves them to conduct testing at a private aerodrome in the
South Island, currently done with Mule SPA ZK-UZA/UZB.
Can you share the conditions of the granted approval?
Can you share your conditions, requirements, view or suggestions you have formally or informally raised towards Zephyr Airworks' intended commercial operations in the South Island, - or would raise towards comparable other operators, namely with regards to:
- acceptable time, light, and weather conditions
- airspace and near aviation infrastructure (airports, ...)
- interaction with airspace, geofencing
- non-GNSS-based navigation
- ground risk, operations in populated areas
- cooperative equipment, namely XPDR and ADS-B
- detect and avoid, ACAS, self-separation, RWC-minima
- reliability of C2 link(s)
Yours faithfully,
George Dacher
From: OIA
Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand
Good morning Mr. Dacher
We acknowledge your OIA request dated 17 January 2019 for:
You have grated Zephyr Airworks an Unmanned Aircraft Operators Certificate
under CAR Part 102 which approves them to conduct testing at a private
aerodrome in the South Island, currently done with Mule SPA ZK-UZA/UZB.
Can you share the conditions of the granted approval?
Can you share your conditions, requirements, view or suggestions you have
formally or informally raised towards Zephyr Airworks' intended commercial
operations in the South Island, - or would raise towards comparable other
operators, namely with regards to:
- acceptable time, light, and weather conditions
- airspace and near aviation infrastructure (airports, ...)
- interaction with airspace, geofencing
- non-GNSS-based navigation
- ground risk, operations in populated areas
- cooperative equipment, namely XPDR and ADS-B
- detect and avoid, ACAS, self-separation, RWC-minima
- reliability of C2 link(s)
We received your request on 17 January 2020. We will endeavour to respond
to your request as soon as possible and in any event no later than 17
February 2020 being 20 working days after the day your request was
received. If we are unable to respond to your request by then, we will
notify you of an extension of that timeframe.
If you have any queries, please feel free to contact me at [CAA request email]
or on (04) 460 6958. If any additional factors come to light which are
relevant to your request, please do not hesitate to contact us so that
these can be taken into account.
Yours sincerely,
Daisy Venables
Daisy Venables | Official Information and Privacy Officer
Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand Aviation Security Service
Te Mana Rererangi Tūmatanui o Aotearoa | Kaiwhakamaru Rererangi
Legal Services
L +64 (0)4 560 6923 | ext 6923 [email address]
Level 15, Asteron Centre, 55 Featherston Street, PO Box 3555,
Wellington, 6011 New Zealand
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From: Daisy Venables
Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand
Good morning Mr. Dacher
I refer to the OIA request you made dated 17 January 2020 for:
You have grated Zephyr Airworks an Unmanned Aircraft Operators Certificate
under CAR Part 102 which approves them to conduct testing at a private
aerodrome in the South Island, currently done with Mule SPA ZK-UZA/UZB.
Can you share the conditions of the granted approval?
Can you share your conditions, requirements, view or suggestions you have
formally or informally raised towards Zephyr Airworks' intended commercial
operations in the South Island, - or would raise towards comparable other
operators, namely with regards to:
- acceptable time, light, and weather conditions
- airspace and near aviation infrastructure (airports, ...)
- interaction with airspace, geofencing
- non-GNSS-based navigation
- ground risk, operations in populated areas
- cooperative equipment, namely XPDR and ADS-B
- detect and avoid, ACAS, self-separation, RWC-minima
- reliability of C2 link(s)
We have decided to refuse your request in accordance with section 9 (2)
(b) (i) and (ii) of the OIA. The majority of the information you have
requested would require providing information specific to Zephyr Airwork’s
commercial operation. Providing this information would likely prejudice
the commercial position of the subject of this request and could
potentially disclose trade secrets.
However in relation to your first point ‘acceptable time, light and
weather conditions,’ Zephyr will need to comply with the regulations under
rule part 102 and any other applicable regulations.
You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of
this decision. Information about how to make a complaint is available at
[1] or freephone 0800 802 602.
If you have any queries, please feel free to contact me at
[2][CAA request email] or on (04) 460 6958. If any additional factors come to
light which are relevant to your request, please do not hesitate to
contact us so that these can be taken into account.
Yours sincerely,
Daisy Venables
Daisy Venables | Official Information and Privacy Officer
Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand Q Aviation Security Service
Te Mana Rererangi Tûmatanui o Aotearoa | Kaiwhakamaru Rererangi
Legal Services
( +64 (0)4 560 6923 | ext 6923 Daisy.Venables[3]
* Level 15, Asteron Centre, 55 Featherston Street, PO Box 3555,
Wellington, 6011 New Zealand
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Visible links
2. mailto:[CAA request email]
3. mailto:[email address]
Things to do with this request
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