Family Court operation principle
Anatoly Kern made this Official Information request to Ministry of Justice
Ministry of Justice did not have the information requested.
From: Anatoly Kern
Dear Ministry of Justice,
I am trying to understand whether the New Zealand Family Court still operates under the same principles of application the legislation as it was 10 years ago under Principal Family Court Judge Peter Boshier.
Specifically, Care of Children Act 2004 s4 "Child’s welfare and best interests to be paramount" states "The welfare and best interests of a child in his or her particular circumstances must be the first and paramount consideration" which was applied in practice by abovenamed persona openly stating during the hearing "I don't care about the child" with everyone within New Zealand Family Court clearly following this 'lead by example' approach.
So in understanding it I am looking for the policies and procedures that have been put in place to change this schizophrenic principle of application of the legislation in practice.
Yours faithfully,
Anatoly Kern
Ministry of Justice
Thank you for contacting the Official Information Act request mailbox for
the Ministry of Justice. We will endeavour to respond to your email within
48 hours.
You can find more information about how we can help you at our [1]Official
Information Act Requests page.
Please send any non-OIA related emails through to
o[2][email address] and any complaints through to
[3][email address]
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Ministry of Justice
Kia ora
Acknowledging receipt of your Official Information Act requestof 8 June 2021, for informationFamily Court operation principle
Your request has been passed onto the relevant business unit and you will receive a response on or before 6 July 2021
Ngā mihi
Official Correspondence
Office of the Chief Executive
Level 6 Justice Centre | Aitken Street
DX Box SX 10088 | Wellington
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From: Anatoly Kern
Dear [email address],
It seems like the response has been delayed (due to by 6 of July) without any extensions requests.
Yours sincerely,
Anatoly Kern
Ministry of Justice
Thank you for contacting the Official Information Act request mailbox for
the Ministry of Justice. We will endeavour to respond to your email within
2 working days.
You can find more information about how we can help you at our [1]Official
Information Act Requests page.
Please send any non-OIA related emails through to
o[2][email address] and any complaints through to
[3][email address]
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Ministry of Justice
Kia ora Mr Kern
Thank you for contacting the Ministry of Justice concerning your OIA. I apologise that our response is overdue. We will provide you with the response as soon as possible. I hope this will be by no later than Wednesday next week.
Ngā mihi,
Jan Morison
Team Leader | Ministerial Relations and Services
Office of the Chief Executive
DDI 04 4662188
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From: Media
Ministry of Justice
Kia ora,
Please see attached the response to your OIA request of 8 June 2021.
Ngā mihi,
Media Team
Communications Services
Ministry of Justice | Tāhū o te Ture
P +64 4 918 8836
[1][email address] | [2]
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1. mailto:[email address]

Anatoly Kern left an annotation ()
As expected "The Ministry does not hold information within the scope of your request. I am therefore, refusing
your request under section 18(e) of the Act on the grounds the information does not exist. " meaning nothing changed in this kindom of insanity.
Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
- Download a zip file of all correspondence
Anatoly Kern left an annotation ()
I believe it is a really good request to understand the current modus operandi of New Zealand government keeping in mind the promotion of the noted persona to Chief Ombudsman in 2015. Oh well, I assume to make sure that this schizophrenic principle of application of the legislation is preserved evenly between all government departments.
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