New Zealand's Natural Resources

Chuck Schooner (Account suspended) made this Official Information request to Megan Woods

The request was refused by Megan Woods.

From: Chuck Schooner (Account suspended)

Dear Megan Woods,

Can you please provide all of the information held on New Zealand's natural resources.

Gold Reserves / Deposits Information and total estimated value to the Crown
Silver Reserves / Deposits Information and total estimated value to the Crown
Uranium Reserves / Deposits Information and total estimated value to the Crown
Petroleum and Natural Gas / Reservies Information and total estimated value to the Crown

Ultimately if it could be provided in the following format

Mined - Yes or No
Resource - Gold or Petroleum
Estimated Value

Yours faithfully,

Link to this

From: Chuck Schooner (Account suspended)

Dear Megan Woods,

Can you include if there are currently any permits on the existing areas and who holds the permits.

Yours faithfully,

Chuck Schooner

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From: Megan Woods (MIN)
Megan Woods

Kia ora,

On behalf of Hon Dr Megan Woods, thank you for your email.  

While the Minister considers all correspondence to be important, and all
messages are carefully read and considered, it is not always possible to
personally reply to all emails.  As such, the following guidelines apply:

o Invitations and meeting requests will be processed as soon as possible
and a staff member will be in contact with you in due course.
o Requests for official information will be managed in accordance with
the provisions of the Official Information Act 1982, which may include
transfer to a more relevant Minister or agency.
o If your email falls outside of the Minister’s portfolio
responsibilities, expresses a personal view, or is copied to multiple
Members of Parliament, your correspondence will be noted and/or
transferred to another office.

If you are a resident in the Wigram electorate, please
email [1][email address] and the electorate office team
will get back to when they are able.
Thank you for the taking the time to write. 
Ngâ mihi,
Office of Hon Dr Megan Woods

Minister of Housing | Minister of Energy & Resources | Minister of
Research, Science & Innovation | Associate Minister of Finance | MP for

Private Bag 18041 |Parliament Buildings | Wellington 6160 | New Zealand



Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]

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From: Megan Woods (MIN)
Megan Woods

Dear Chuck,


I am writing to acknowledge receipt of your Official Information Act
request dated 14 March 2022. You have requested the following information:

"Can you please provide all of the information held on New Zealand's
natural resources.

Gold Reserves / Deposits Information and total estimated value to the
Crown Silver Reserves / Deposits Information and total estimated value to
the Crown Uranium Reserves / Deposits Information and total estimated
value to the Crown Petroleum and Natural Gas / Reservies Information and
total estimated value to the Crown

Ultimately if it could be provided in the following format


Mined - Yes or No

Resource - Gold or Petroleum

Estimated Value

Can you include if there are currently any permits on the existing areas
and who holds the permits."


We will endeavour to respond to your request as soon as possible and in
any event no later than 11 April 2022, being 20 working days after the day
your request was received. If we are unable to respond to your request by
then, we will notify you of an extension of that timeframe.


Kind regards,


Office of Hon Dr Megan Woods

Minister of Housing | Minister of Energy & Resources | Minister of
Research, Science & Innovation | Associate Minister of Finance


Phone: 04 817 8705 | Email: [1][Megan Woods request email]

Private Bag 18041 |Parliament Buildings | Wellington 6160 | New Zealand


From: Chuck Schooner
[mailto:[FYI request #18869 email]]
Sent: Monday, 14 March 2022 3:26 PM
To: Megan Woods (MIN) <[email address]>
Subject: Official Information request - New Zealand's Natural Resources


Dear Megan Woods,


Can you include if there are currently any permits on the existing areas
and who holds the permits.


Yours faithfully,


Chuck Schooner


show quoted sections

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From: Megan Woods (MIN)
Megan Woods

Dear Chuck,


I am writing in regards to your Official Information Act request below.


The information requested is not held by us but is believed to be held by
the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE).  In these
circumstances, we are required by section 14 of the Official Information
Act 1982 to transfer your request.


You can expect a response from MBIE in due course.


Kind regards,


Office of Hon Dr Megan Woods

Minister of Housing | Minister of Energy & Resources | Minister of
Research, Science & Innovation | Associate Minister of Finance


Phone: 04 817 8705 | Email: [1][Megan Woods request email]

Private Bag 18041 |Parliament Buildings | Wellington 6160 | New Zealand



From: Megan Woods (MIN)
Sent: Monday, 14 March 2022 3:36 PM
To: 'Chuck Schooner' <[FOI #18869 email]>
Subject: OIA22-028: Official Information request - New Zealand's Natural


Dear Chuck,


I am writing to acknowledge receipt of your Official Information Act
request dated 14 March 2022. You have requested the following information:

"Can you please provide all of the information held on New Zealand's
natural resources.

Gold Reserves / Deposits Information and total estimated value to the
Crown Silver Reserves / Deposits Information and total estimated value to
the Crown Uranium Reserves / Deposits Information and total estimated
value to the Crown Petroleum and Natural Gas / Reservies Information and
total estimated value to the Crown

Ultimately if it could be provided in the following format


Mined - Yes or No

Resource - Gold or Petroleum

Estimated Value

Can you include if there are currently any permits on the existing areas
and who holds the permits."


We will endeavour to respond to your request as soon as possible and in
any event no later than 11 April 2022, being 20 working days after the day
your request was received. If we are unable to respond to your request by
then, we will notify you of an extension of that timeframe.


Kind regards,


Office of Hon Dr Megan Woods

Minister of Housing | Minister of Energy & Resources | Minister of
Research, Science & Innovation | Associate Minister of Finance


Phone: 04 817 8705 | Email: [2][Megan Woods request email]

Private Bag 18041 |Parliament Buildings | Wellington 6160 | New Zealand


From: Chuck Schooner
[[3]mailto:[FOI #18869 email]]
Sent: Monday, 14 March 2022 3:26 PM
To: Megan Woods (MIN) <[4][email address]>
Subject: Official Information request - New Zealand's Natural Resources


Dear Megan Woods,


Can you include if there are currently any permits on the existing areas
and who holds the permits.


Yours faithfully,


Chuck Schooner


show quoted sections

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From: Ministerial Services

Ref: 2122-1811


Dear Chuck,


On behalf of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment I
acknowledge your email of 14 March 2022 requesting under the Official
Information Act 1982 (the Act), the following:


“Can you please provide all of the information held on New Zealand's
natural resources.


Gold Reserves / Deposits Information and total estimated value to the
Crown Silver Reserves / Deposits Information and total estimated value to
the Crown Uranium Reserves / Deposits Information and total estimated
value to the Crown Petroleum and Natural Gas / Reservies Information and
total estimated value to the Crown


Ultimately if it could be provided in the following format



Mined - Yes or No

Resource - Gold or Petroleum

Estimated Value”


Your request has been transferred to the Ministry of Business, Innovation
and Employment from The Office of the Hon Dr Megan Woods on 17 March 2022
and is being processed in accordance with the Official Information Act
1982. A response will be sent to you in due course. If you have any
enquiries regarding your request feel free to contact us via email
[1][email address] or using the contact details below.


Nâku noa, nâ,

Ministerial Services

Ngâ Pou o te Taumaru

Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment

Level 4, 15 Stout Street, PO Box 1473, Wellington 6140

NZBN 9429000106078


[2] - your guide to finding and using New Zealand government

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Visible links
1. file:///OpenText/OTEdit/EC_mako/c67413355/

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From: *OIA

Attachment image001.jpg
6K Download

Attachment Gold Silver Uranium resources and reserves.xlsx
11K Download View as HTML

Attachment DOIA 2122 1811 C Schooner final response.pdf
284K Download View as HTML

Kia ora,


Please find attached aresponse to your recent OIA request.


Ngâ mihi,



Senior Ministerial Services Advisor

Building, Resources and Markets

Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment


25 The Terrace, Te Puâwai o te Aroha – Pastoral House, Wellington 6011

PO Box 1473, Wellington, New Zealand

[1]Description: cid:image001.jpg@01CE732A.1A2F9630


[2] - your guide to finding and using New Zealand government

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Things to do with this request

Megan Woods only: