Melanie Lorraine Petrowski made this Official Information request to Ministry of Defence
Ministry of Defence did not have the information requested.
From: Melanie Lorraine Petrowski
Dear Ministry of Defence,
Does geo-engineering, weather manipulation, cloud seeding or any other man-made climate control exist or carried out in New Zealand? If so, are military planes used? Or what planes are used, and what chemicals are being sprayed into our skies?
Yours faithfully,
Melanie Petrowski
From: Melanie Lorraine Petrowski
Dear Ministry of Defence,
I have not heard back within the 20 days of my first OIA requested dated 10 June 2022.
Please answer my question - are chemtrails carried out in New Zealand? Or any other geo-engineering?
I will take this further if you do not answer.
Melanie Lorraine Petrowski
From: Information
Ministry of Defence
Good morning Melanie
Please find attached the response to your request.
Yours sincerely
Adrian MacGregor
Managing Principal, Ministry of Defence
show quoted sections

Sovereign sharna left an annotation ()
Do your request to these agents
Ministry for the Environment, NIWA - the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric research,
the EPA the Environmental Protection Authority, the CAA, the Civil Aviation Authority and also the New Zealand Defence Force
Rochelle left an annotation ()
I have seen a few videos online now to show that clouds formed in lines on the 27th of January, just like how they are formed when cloud seeding. I feel there is an explanation needed here. Does New Zealand participate in cloud seeding?
Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
- Download a zip file of all correspondence
SPENCER JONES left an annotation ()
1948 US2550324 Process for Controlling the Weather
1966 US3613992 Weather modification method
1972 US3659785 Weather modification utilizing microencapsulated material
2003 US20050056705A1 Weather Modification by royal rainmaking technology
2007 US20100074390A1 Method for weather modification & vapor generator for weather modification
Link to this