ST contract reports

Brodie Fraser made this Official Information request to Ministry of Housing and Urban Development

Response to this request is long overdue. By law Ministry of Housing and Urban Development should have responded by now (details and exceptions). The requester can complain to the Ombudsman.

From: Brodie Fraser

Tēnā koe,

Under the Official Information Act 1982 could I please request copies of any contract reports, including narrative reports, prepared by sustaining tenancy providers in the Wellington and Waikato regions who are contracted by HUD and have clients under 25 or support whānau with children, for the final quarter of 2023? I am uninterested in financial reporting or any personal/identifying details of clients or staff. I am particularly interested in contract reports that give information relating to:

- Approaches providers have identified as being effective (particularly any that relate to children and young people under 25)
- What doesn’t work, or hinders their ability to effectively carry out their work (particularly in terms of contracting requirements and constraints)
- Suggestions of improvements that could be made, or opportunities to improve support and delivery
- What extra support providers are giving to clients beyond what they’re contracted to deliver
- Generalised successes and challenges for clients and the interventions or activities linked to these
- Generalised client satisfaction and generalised reasons for exiting services

Ngā mihi,
Brodie Fraser.

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Things to do with this request

Ministry of Housing and Urban Development only: