This person's 24 Official Information requests
Dear R S Grant
Please find attached the response to your request of 12 December 2024.
Yours sincerely
Government Relations
MIQ debts
Follow up sent to Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment by R S Grant on .
Long overdue.
Is there any update on this request?
Yours sincerely,
R S Grant
757 Utilisation
Follow up sent to New Zealand Defence Force by R S Grant on .
Reported for administrator attention.
Thank you for your helpful response.
Yours sincerely,
R S Grant
Withholding grounds - Tikanga
Follow up sent to Radio New Zealand Limited by R S Grant on .
Thank you for your response, although I note that you made no attempt to provide the information I requested. While the Chief Ombudsman’s decision i...
Kia ora R S Grant
In response to your concerns that questions 2 and 3 have not been answered, I refer you to our original response and, additionally n...
Dear R S Grant
Please find attached the response to your request of 16 March 2024.
Yours sincerely
Government and Industry Relations...
Office attendance
Response by Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment to R S Grant on .
Tçnâ koe
Please find attached MBIE’s response to your OIA request.
Nâ mâtou noa, nâ
Ministerial Services | Corporate Services, Financ...
Tēnā koe
Thank you for your reply email.
We have carefully considered your email and in regards to your second question seeking "approximately what p...
Dear R S Grant
Attached is the response to your Official Information Act request. Please
note that this response has been signed out via an elec...
Kia ora R S Grant,
Thank you for your follow up email. We have reviewed our response to you
and consider that your request has been appropriately...
Mobile phone offences - speed of vehicles
Response by New Zealand Transport Agency to R S Grant on .
Information not held.
Kia ora R S Grant
Please find attached the response to your request of 21 March 2024 for
information under the Official Information Act 1982....
Under the Official Information Act 1982, please provide me with copies of the minutes of all board meetings held since July 1, 2023, to today's date...
Letter from Hon Nicola Willis, Minister of Finance, attached.
Private Secretary | Office of Hon Nicola Willis
Minister of Finance | Minister fo...
Social media posts of journalists
Response by Television New Zealand Limited to R S Grant on .
Dear R S Grant
Please see the attached response.
TVNZ Official Information Act Team
From: R S Grant <[FOI #26024 email]>
Sent: T...
Kia ora,
Please find our response attached.
Ngā mihi
City Rail Link Limited
Level 2, 25 Teed Street, Newmarket, 1023 Auckland
PO Box 9681, Newmarket...
Speed limit on Puhoi to Warkworth motorway
Response by New Zealand Transport Agency to R S Grant on .
Kia ora,
Please find attached the response to your request of 11 March 2023 for
information under the Official Information Act 1982.
Ngā m...
Staff numbers in certain areas
Response by Reserve Bank of New Zealand to R S Grant on .
Kia ora
Please see attached our response to your request made under the Official
Information Act
Best regards,
Government & Indu...
Kia ora
Thank you for your request for information. Please find attached our
response to your request.
If you have any questions please get in...
Options for ballast replacement in Auckland
Partially successful.
Hi there - to be honest, I have no idea if ideas like that were explored.
Let me ask the project team and get back to you.
Cheers - and have a great C...
Tçnâ koe
Please find attached the response to your OIA request to Te Tûâpapa Kura
Kâinga – Ministry of Housing and Urban Development.
Nâku noa,...
Eventual sentences of remand prisoners
Response by Department of Corrections to R S Grant on .
Kia Ora Richard,
Please find attached Corrections response to your OIA request.
Ngā mihi | Kind regards,
Ministerial Services
Department of Correcti...
Kia Ora Richard,
Please find attached Corrections response to your OIA request.
Ngā mihi | Kind regards,
Ministerial Services
Department of Correcti...
Agencies’ compliance with traffic light system requirements
Response by Megan Woods to R S Grant on .
Dear Lobby Information New Zealand
Please find attached a response from Hon Dr Megan Woods, Minister of
Housing, to your OIA request of 1 Decemb...
Dear Mr Grant,
Please find attached a response from Hon Dr Woods.
Please accept my apologies for the delay in responding to you.
Yours si...
This person's 16 annotations
And question 1 through 4 are not requests for official information in any case - they are questions asking for advice, analysis or opinion, which no Mi...
HHR CB meeting 14-Mar-24
I would suggest you refine your request to just "the emails" referred to by that councillor, see how they respond to that, and take things from there....
Facebook takedown portal
Information not held.
Instigated means initiated. They have told they did not initiate the take-down, therefore there is nothing more they can tell you. You have asked what...
Meeting Minutes
Long overdue.
Yes, what you’re missing is that schools are only subject to Part 7 of LGOIMA, not the rest of it. They are listed in Schedule 2 of the Act, not Schedu...
New Zealand Police Company number
Yes, they have an NZBN. As I stated earlier, any entity (or person) who buys or sells can have an NZBN. That does not mean that they are a corporation...
New Zealand Police Company number
The "New Zealand Companies Directory" is not an official register - it is a private list with no official status at all. Certainly, NZ Police have no r...
Request of Household disposable income, Household expenditure, Home ownership..etc 1966-1981
Awaiting classification.
Any statistical information that Statistics NZ holds is publicly available in their database via their website. You shouldn't be asking for that inform...
The FYI website automatically removes email addresses. You can easily find the address on the FENZ website. It is:
officialinformationrequests AT fire...
Official Information Request to the Ministry of Defence Regarding Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) Reports and Investigations
Information not held.
This response is not compliant with the OIA as it merely says that the Ministry does not hold the information. They are also required to consider wheth...
It is for the courts to decide what is published, not the government. Therefore this is not a proper OIA request.
Use of HAARP in NZ
Partially successful.
Or, just maybe, all these agencies say that they don’t have information on the subject because it is an absolutely bonkers conspiracy theory with no fa...
Meeting Minutes
Long overdue.
The statement that the request is under LGOIMA because it concerns meeting minutes is nonsense. Schools are not subject to LGOIMA as they are not part...
Former New Zealand Post Brand Guidelines
Partially successful.
This is outrageous of NZ Post to enquire as to why the requestor is asking for the information. That is a flagrant violation of the Act. The reasons fo...
Redundancy payment and cuts
The reply is not overdue. They have 20 working days from the date you submitted it, taking the due date to June 9th.
Fraudulent Debt Collection Practices
Withdrawn by the requester.
This has already been answered in their response, which said that they do not hold any information on investigations into debt collection agencies - so...
Recording of Kiri Allan
Partially successful.
David, they are claiming that under 9(2)(a) they can withhold to "protect the tikanga of RNZ". You will no doubt realise that they are acting in contra...