Legality of Speedbumps being installed by Councils

Chris McCashin made this Official Information request to New Zealand Transport Agency

The request is waiting for clarification. If you are Chris McCashin, please sign in to send a follow up message.

From: Chris McCashin

Dear New Zealand Transport Agency,

I am writing to request information under the Official Information Act 1982 regarding the legality and regulations surrounding speed bumps (also known as speed humps or traffic calming devices) installed on various types of roads throughout New Zealand by local councils.

Specifically, I am requesting the following information:

The current legal framework and regulations governing the installation of speed bumps on different types of roads in New Zealand. I understand speed humps cannot be installed on National Roads, Regional Roads, Arterial Roads and Primary Collector Roads - how have Wellington City Council been able to install large numbers of speed humps on roads that fit the above criteria?

Any national guidelines or standards that local authorities must follow when installing speed bumps, including specifications for design, placement, and signage.

The process for approving the installation of speed bumps, including which authorities are responsible for granting permissions. Have NZTA allowed speed humps to be installed on the types of roads above or have council granted themselves permission?

Any records or data on illegal or non-compliant speed bumps that have been identified or reported in the past five years, including their locations and the nature of their non-compliance. For example how many of the recent installations are likely to be non-compliant?

Information on any legal challenges or disputes that have arisen regarding the installation or presence of speed bumps in New Zealand in the past five years.

Any assessments or studies conducted by the NZTA or other government bodies on the effectiveness and safety of speed bumps as traffic calming measures.

Policies or guidelines on the removal of speed bumps that are found to be non-compliant or illegal installed by councils.

In essence - NZTA have guidelines for what types of roads can have speedbumps on them, councils appear to have installed a number of speedbumps on roads where they are now allowed to, so who has approved and allowed these to be installed

Yours faithfully,

Link to this

From: Official Correspondence
New Zealand Transport Agency

Attachment image001.png
12K Download

Kia ora Chris


This email acknowledges your below request for information made under the
Official Information Act 1982.


Your request has been forwarded to the appropriate section of NZ Transport
Agency Waka Kotahi for response. They will contact you if they require
clarification of your request, more time to respond, or if your request
has been transferred to another organisation to respond to. Unless more
time is required, NZ Transport Agency will send a response to you within
20 working days of receiving your request – in this instance on or before
26 August 2024.  


If you would like to discuss your request with NZ Transport Agency, please
contact us by email at [1][NZTA request email].


Ngâ mihi


Ministerial Services
Te Waka Kôtuia | Engagement & Partnerships
NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi

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From: Official Correspondence
New Zealand Transport Agency

Attachment image001.png
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Attachment List of Road Controlling Authorities.pdf
128K Download View as HTML

Kia ora Chris


Thank you for your email of 29 July 2024 requesting information about the
legality of speed bumps installed by local councils.


I am writing to seek clarification on the following part of your request:


Information on any legal challenges or disputes that have arisen regarding
the installation or presence of speed bumps in New Zealand in the past
five years.


As the Road Controlling Authority (RCA) for the state highway network, NZ
Transport Agency Waka Kotahi can only provide information on any legal
challenges or disputes which may have arisen regarding speed bumps
installed on state highways. Details of any legal challenges/disputes
regarding speed bumps installed on local roads will be held by the
respective council/RCA.


As the focus of your request is on speed bumps installed by councils, NZTA
can arrange for a transfer of this part your request to each RCA. Before
doing so, we wondered if you would like to refine this part of your
request to only include speed bumps installed by certain councils/RCAs,
for example Wellington City Council or Auckland Transport. A full list of
RCAs is attached.


Ngā mihi


Ministerial Services
Te Waka Kōtuia | Engagement & Partnerships
NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi

[1]Connect with us on Social Media





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Link to this

From: Official Correspondence
New Zealand Transport Agency

Attachment image001.png
12K Download

Attachment OIA 16009 Chris McCashin.pdf
149K Download View as HTML

Attachment 1.Speed management in New Zealand What works and what does not work Redacted.pdf
4.5M Download View as HTML

Attachment 2.Raised Safety Platform Evaluation Gordonton and Thomas Road intersection Redacted.pdf
6.0M Download View as HTML

Attachment 3.Extract from Road Safety Case Studies What works.pdf
1.5M Download View as HTML

Kia ora Chris


Please find attached the response to your request of 29 July 2024 for
information under the Official Information Act 1982.


Ngā mihi


Ministerial Services
Te Waka Kōtuia | Engagement & Partnerships
NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi

[1]Connect with us on Social Media





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