Police deployment to Matapihi 28/11/2024

T Smith made this Official Information request to New Zealand Police

The request was successful.

From: T Smith

Dear New Zealand Police,

On 28/11/2024 there was a large armed police presence in Matapihi, Bay of Plenty. It was reported that "Police have indicated they will maintain a visible presence in Matapihi" for the duration of an event being held there.

Under the OIA could you please answer the following:

- What cultural advice (if any) had been sought prior to this police presence?
- Had there been any complaints made to police relating to the Matapihi area on 28/11/2024, prior to the police presence - if so, what was the nature of the complaint(s)?
- What risk(s) to public safety in Matapihi (a closed access area consisting mainly of private residences) had been identified that warranted such great numbers of police and the presence of the police helicopter to "monitor movements"?

A media source (SunLive) reported between 50 and 200 police were deployed.
- How many police-persons were sent to Matapihi?
- How many staff in total were involved in this exercise?
- What was the combined cost of the police helicopter and the police presence in Mataphi while "police maintained a visible presence in Matapihi ..."?

Could you please provide any correspondence (emails/texts/comms) regarding this event and the date the first correspondence was made regarding this specific event.  

Yours sincerely,
C Smith

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From: Information Requests
New Zealand Police

Attachment image001.png
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Tēnā koe,


I acknowledge receipt of your information request below, received by
Police on 29/11/2024.


Your request reference number is IR-01-24-42296.


Pursuant to section 15(1) of the Official Information Act 1982, Police
have up to 20 working days to respond to your request commencing from the
day after it was received. Working days do not include Saturdays, Sundays,
public holidays, or the period between 25 December and 15 January.


Police are currently managing a large number of information requests. If
you are required to meet a specific court date or have another reason for
urgency, please notify us.


Ngā mihi


Anne  AMNQ85


Information Requests | Service Group


P  105
E  [1][email address]



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From: Information Requests
New Zealand Police

Tçnâ koe C Smith,


Thank you for your information request. Your reference number is


The Official Information Act 1982 requires that we advise you of our
decision on your request no later than 20 working days after the day we
received your request. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to meet that
time limit and we are therefore writing to notify you of an extension of
the time to make our decision, to 10 February 2025.


This extension is necessary because your request necessitates a search
through a large quantity of information and meeting the original time
limit would unreasonably interfere with Police’s operation.


You have the right to ask the Ombudsman to review my decision if you are
not satisfied with Police’s response to your request. You can find more
information at



Ngâ Mihi




Senior Analyst
Information Requests | Service Group


P 105

E [2][email address]




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From: Information Requests
New Zealand Police

Attachment OIA Response Pack 01 24 42296 Redacted.pdf
1.7M Download View as HTML

Tēnā koe,


Please see the attached information in response to your request.



Ngā Mihi




Senior Analyst
Information Requests | Service Group


P 105

E [1][email address]





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