NZ Claims Resolution Service Monthly Reports
K Stewart made this Official Information request to Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment
This request has an unknown status. We're waiting for K Stewart to read recent responses and update the status.
From: K Stewart
Dear Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (“the Ministry”)
I would like to request copies of the monthly reports up to today's date submitted by Community Law Canterbury - Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha (“the Law Centre”) to the Ministry in accordance with clauses 9 and 10 to Schedule 1 of the Funding Agreement for Independent Legal Support for NZCRS Homeowners (“the Funding Agreement”) dated 15 July 2024.
In addition, I would like to request copies of the Terms of Engagement NZCRS Homeowners are required to enter into as part of accessing free legal support through the Law Centre (referenced in clause 5 to Schedule 1 of the Funding Agreement).
These are requests made pursuant to the Official Information Act 1982.
Yours faithfully,
K Stewart
From: NoReplyMinisterialServices
Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment
Kia ora K Stewart,
On behalf of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment I
acknowledge your email of 23/02/2025 requesting, under the Official
Information Act 1982, the following:
I would like to request copies of the monthly reports up to today's date
submitted by Community Law Canterbury - Te Whare Wânanga o Waitaha (“the
Law Centre”) to the Ministry in accordance with clauses 9 and 10 to
Schedule 1 of the Funding Agreement for Independent Legal Support for
NZCRS Homeowners (“the Funding Agreement”) dated 15 July 2024.
In addition, I would like to request copies of the Terms of Engagement
NZCRS Homeowners are required to enter into as part of accessing free
legal support through the Law Centre (referenced in clause 5 to Schedule 1
of the Funding Agreement).
These are requests made pursuant to the Official Information Act 1982.
We will endeavour to respond to your request as soon as possible, and no
later than 21/03/2025, being 20 working days after the day your request
was received. If we are unable to respond to your request by then, we will
notify you of an extension of that timeframe. If you have any enquiries
regarding your request feel free to contact us via email to
[1][MBIE request email].
Nâku noa, nâ
Ministerial Services
Strategy and Assurance
Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment
15 Stout Street, Wellington 6011 | P O Box 1473 Wellington 6140
Visible links
1. mailto:[MBIE request email]
From: TWSD Ministerial Services
Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment
Dear K Stewart
Attached is the Ministry’s response to your Official Information Act
request of 24 February 2025.
Ngâ mihi nui
Te Whakatairanga Service Delivery
Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment
15 Stout Street, Wellington 6011 | PO Box 1473, Wellington 6140
Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
- Download a zip file of all correspondence