Official Information Act Request – Communication Related to RRR Organisations Worldwide Limited Esther Peters, Levi Marley Hetherington, and the RRR Model
Esther Peters made this Official Information request to Ministry of Māori Development
This request has an unknown status. We're waiting for Esther Peters to read a recent response and update the status.
From: Esther Peters
Esther Peters & Levi Marley Hetherington
[email address]
Ministry of Maori Development
Ministry of Social Development (MSD)
Department of Corrections
Ministry for Arts, Culture and Heritage
Ministry for Media and Communications
Ministry for Justice
Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment.
Ministry for Police
Ministry for Health
Ministry of Internal Affairs
Tēnā koutou,
Under the Official Information Act 1982, We are writing to formally request access to all communications shared between the Ministry and the following entities or individuals, where the following topics are mentioned:
-RRR Organisations Worldwide Limited (our former limited company)
-Esther Peters (our names)
-Levi Marley Hetherington (our names)
-The RRR Model (Reintegration Rehabilitation Reduces-Reoffending) – (our model)
We request copies of all emails, internal communications, reports, and any relevant documentation regarding these matters or any other form of communication that contains references to the entities or individuals listed above
Please provide this information in an electronic format where possible. If any part of my request is refused under the OIA, please specify the grounds for refusal as per the Act.
Ngā Mihi,
Esther Peters and Levi Marley Hetherington
From: MB - OIA
Ministry of Māori Development
Tēnā koe
Thank you for your email. This is an automatic reply to let you know we
received it.
If you are submitting an Official Information Act request, in accordance
with the Act, we'll let you know our decision within no more than 20
working days. If you'd like to calculate the timeframe, you can use the
Ombudsman's online calculator here:
Sometimes we may need to clarify aspects of a request. You can expect to
hear from us soon if that is the case here.
Please note, we publish some of our Official Information Act responses on
our web site. We will not publish your name or contact details.
If you have any questions while we're processing your request, please let
us know via [TPK request email]
Ngā mihi
From: MB - OIA
Ministry of Māori Development
Tēnā kōrua Esther and Levi
Thank you for your below request for information.
As you have requested personal information, Section 57(a) of the Privacy
Act 2020 requires Te Puni Kōkiri to be satisfied of the requesters
identify before releasing information. Can you please both email us a copy
of your photo identification (for example a driver licence or passport),
from your personal email address, to [1][TPK request email].
Thank you for your assistance.
Ngā mihi
| Te Puni Kōkiri, Te Puni Kōkiri House,|
| 143 Lambton Quay, Wellington 6011, |
| Ministerial Services | New Zealand |
| Ratonga Minita PO Box 3943, Wellington 6140, New |
| National Office Zealand |
| [3]sign-tpkwebsite [4]Te Puni Kōkiri |
| [2]sign-tpklogo Website [5]sign-kokiri [6]Kōkiri |
| Magazine [7]sign-facebook |
| [8]Facebook |
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Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
- Download a zip file of all correspondence