We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Esther Peters please sign in and let everyone know.

Official Information Act Request – Communication Related to RRR Organisations Worldwide Limited Esther Peters, Levi Marley Hetherington, and the RRR Model

Esther Peters made this Official Information request to Ministry of Justice

This request has an unknown status. We're waiting for Esther Peters to read a recent response and update the status.

From: Esther Peters

Esther Peters & Levi Marley Hetherington
[email address]


Ministry of Maori Development
Ministry of Social Development (MSD)
Department of Corrections
Ministry for Arts, Culture and Heritage
Ministry for Media and Communications
Ministry for Justice
Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment.
Ministry for Police
Ministry for Health
Ministry of Internal Affairs

Tēnā koutou,

Under the Official Information Act 1982, We are writing to formally request access to all communications shared between the Ministry and the following entities or individuals, where the following topics are mentioned:

-RRR Organisations Worldwide Limited (our former limited company)
-Esther Peters (our names)
-Levi Marley Hetherington (our names)
-The RRR Model (Reintegration Rehabilitation Reduces-Reoffending) – (our model)

We request copies of all emails, internal communications, reports, and any relevant documentation regarding these matters or any other form of communication that contains references to the entities or individuals listed above

Please provide this information in an electronic format where possible. If any part of my request is refused under the OIA, please specify the grounds for refusal as per the Act.

Ngā Mihi,

Esther Peters and Levi Marley Hetherington

Link to this

From: OIA@justice.govt.nz
Ministry of Justice

Tēnā koe,


Thank you for contacting the [1][Ministry of Justice request email] mailbox at the
Ministry of Justice.  


This automatic message is to confirm we have received your email - we hope
to acknowledge you and advise next steps within two working days.  

Please note that this mailbox is not monitored on weekends, public
holidays or between 17:00 and 08:00 hours on working days.
Official Information Act requests can take up to 20 working days to
receive a response.  If the Ministry needs more time, we will inform you.

Ngā mihi,

Communications and Ministerial Services | Corporate Services
Ministry of Justice

Justice Centre I Aitken Street

DX Box SX 10088 I Wellington





Visible links
1. mailto:[Ministry of Justice request email]
2. http://www.justice.govt.nz/

Link to this

From: OIA@justice.govt.nz
Ministry of Justice

Tēnā kōrua Esther and Levi

Thank you for your request made under the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA) and Privacy Act 2020 (Privacy Act) for communications shared between the Ministry of Justice (the Ministry) and:
- RRR Organisations Worldwide Limited
- Esther Peters
- Levi Marley Hetherington
- The RRR Model (Reintegration Rehabilitation Reduces-Reoffending model)

Responses to requests published on the FYI website are publicly available. While we will publish OIA responses on the website, we will not publish personally identifiable information to respond to your Privacy Act request. We will send Privacy Act responses to the personal email address you included in your request. Under section 57 of the Privacy Act, the Ministry also needs to be satisfied of the requestors’ identity before we can release information. Can you please send identification (i.e. a copy of your driver licence or passport front page) for Esther Peters and Levi Marley Hetherington, from your personal email address to [email address].

Your original request for information is broad and will need to be amended to enable the Ministry to respond. In addition:
- If you are requesting information held by the courts, such as sentencing notes, court records or information about a case currently before the court, the records of courts and tribunals are not subject to the OIA or Privacy Act. Access to these is dealt with by separate legislation and court rules and you will need to contact the relevant court directly, the details for the courts can be found here https://www.justice.govt.nz/contact-us/f....
- If you are seeking details of criminal records, you need to apply direct to the Criminal Records Unit, please contact:https://www.justice.govt.nz/criminal-rec....
- If your involvement with the Ministry of Justice is concerned with Legal Aid Services, recruitment, employment or another non-judicial arm of the Ministry, we may be able to help you.

In order to assist us, can you please let us know:
- The specific timeframe for your request?
- Areas of the Ministry where you have worked, engaged with, or been involved with?

Please note, any clarification or amendment of a request is considered to be a new request for the purpose of calculating the maximum statutory timeframe for response – see section 15(1AA) of the Act. If you are not satisfied with this response, you have the right to make a complaint to the Ombudsman under section 28(3) of the Act. The Office of the Ombudsman may be contacted by email at [email address] or by phone on 0800 802 602.

Ngā mihi,
Fiona Colman

Communications and Ministerial Services | Corporate Services
Ministry of Justice | Tāhū o te Ture
Justice Centre | 19 Aitken Street, Wellington (6011)
[email address]
[email address]
[Ministry of Justice request email]

show quoted sections

Link to this

We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Esther Peters please sign in and let everyone know.

Things to do with this request

Ministry of Justice only: