Official Information Request Regarding NZDF's Knowledge and Involvement in Geoengineering Activities
Logan Cowan made this Official Information request to New Zealand Defence Force
Currently waiting for a response from New Zealand Defence Force, they must respond promptly and normally no later than (details and exceptions).
From: Logan Cowan
Dear New Zealand Defence Force,
Under the Official Information Act 1982, I am requesting access to the following information, held, accessed, or otherwise made available to the New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) or any related New Zealand Government agencies, regardless of where the information is stored (including external servers or platforms). This request concerns the NZDF’s knowledge of, or involvement in, geoengineering projects, such as weather modification, solar radiation management, or climate engineering, specifically in the context of any collaboration with foreign military entities, including the U.S. Air Force or private contractors operating within New Zealand or in its airspace.
I request the following information:
1. Any documents, reports, or communications within the New Zealand Defence Force that refer to New Zealand’s awareness, involvement, or stance regarding geoengineering initiatives, including weather modification and solar geoengineering, from January 1, 2010, to the present. This includes all forms of documentation, such as emails, meeting notes, and internal memos, irrespective of where they are physically stored (including external databases or servers).
2. Any records of communication between the NZDF and foreign military organizations, such as the United States Department of Defense (DoD), U.S. Air Force, or private contractors operating under U.S. or international military directives, that pertain to geoengineering activities or climate interventions, including but not limited to weather modification or solar geoengineering projects.
3. Any internal assessments, analyses, or briefing materials prepared by the NZDF or related agencies regarding the potential environmental, security, or strategic impacts of geoengineering, particularly when such activities are led by foreign governments or military entities with links to New Zealand’s security, airspace, or defence priorities.
Geoengineering, including projects like weather modification, solar radiation management, and other climate intervention strategies, has been pursued openly by countries like the United States, China, and others. Given New Zealand’s geopolitical alliances and security commitments, it is highly probable that the NZDF has access to or is aware of these practices, particularly where they could impact national security or involve foreign military activities in or around New Zealand’s territory.
The public interest in accessing information regarding geoengineering outweighs any potential reasons for withholding, given the national security, environmental, and policy ramifications. If any part of this request is denied or information withheld, I request a detailed explanation of the specific exemptions applied, with a reference to the relevant sections of the Official Information Act.
I expect that all documents, regardless of storage location, will be provided in full, with only exempted portions redacted. If the requested information is held by foreign governments or entities, including the U.S. military or private contractors, I request guidance on how this information can be made available or accessed.
Thank you for your attention to this request. I look forward to receiving a response within the legally prescribed timeframe.
Yours faithfully,
Logan Cowan
From: Logan Cowan
Dear New Zealand Defence Force,
Further to my previous message, I would like to add that it is well-documented in the public domain that geoengineering practices, such as weather modification and solar geoengineering, are not confined to theoretical discussions but are actively pursued by several foreign nations, including the United States, China, and other global powers. Examples of these activities include the U.S. Air Force’s weather modification programs (e.g., HAARP), and international discussions about solar geoengineering at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Given New Zealand’s international engagement and security obligations, it is reasonable to assume that New Zealand has knowledge of, or involvement in, such activities.
Logan Cowan
From: Ministerial Services
New Zealand Defence Force
Link: [1]File-List
Link: [2]Edit-Time-Data
Good morning Logan Cowan,
The New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) recently responded to a request for
similar information
This response was also investigated by the Office of the Ombudsman. As the
situation has not changed since 30 August 2024, your request is refused in
accordance with section 18(e) of the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA)
as the requested information is not held by the NZDF. The NZDF does not
believe relevant information would be held by another New Zealand agency
under the OIA.
You have the right, under section 28(3) of the OIA, to ask an Ombudsman to
review this response to your request. Information about how to make a
complaint is available at [4] or freephone 0800
802 602.
Corporate and Ministerial Services
OCDF, Office of Chief of Defence Force
New Zealand Defence Force
-----Original Message-----
From: Logan Cowan [mailto:[FOI #30287 email]]
Sent: Tuesday, 4 March 2025 8:50 a.m.
To: Ministerial Services <[NZDF request email]>
Subject: Official Information request - Official Information Request
Regarding NZDF's Knowledge and Involvement in Geoengineering Activities
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your Inbox. Thank you
Dear New Zealand Defence Force,
Under the Official Information Act 1982, I am requesting access to the
following information, held, accessed, or otherwise made available to the
New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) or any related New Zealand Government
agencies, regardless of where the information is stored (including
external servers or platforms). This request concerns the NZDF’s knowledge
of, or involvement in, geoengineering projects, such as weather
modification, solar radiation management, or climate engineering,
specifically in the context of any collaboration with foreign military
entities, including the U.S. Air Force or private contractors operating
within New Zealand or in its airspace.
I request the following information:
1. Any documents, reports, or communications within the New Zealand
Defence Force that refer to New Zealand’s awareness, involvement, or
stance regarding geoengineering initiatives, including weather
modification and solar geoengineering, from January 1, 2010, to the
present. This includes all forms of documentation, such as emails, meeting
notes, and internal memos, irrespective of where they are physically
stored (including external databases or servers).
2. Any records of communication between the NZDF and foreign military
organizations, such as the United States Department of Defense (DoD), U.S.
Air Force, or private contractors operating under U.S. or international
military directives, that pertain to geoengineering activities or climate
interventions, including but not limited to weather modification or solar
geoengineering projects.
3. Any internal assessments, analyses, or briefing materials prepared by
the NZDF or related agencies regarding the potential environmental,
security, or strategic impacts of geoengineering, particularly when such
activities are led by foreign governments or military entities with links
to New Zealand’s security, airspace, or defence priorities.
Geoengineering, including projects like weather modification, solar
radiation management, and other climate intervention strategies, has been
pursued openly by countries like the United States, China, and others.
Given New Zealand’s geopolitical alliances and security commitments, it is
highly probable that the NZDF has access to or is aware of these
practices, particularly where they could impact national security or
involve foreign military activities in or around New Zealand’s territory.
The public interest in accessing information regarding geoengineering
outweighs any potential reasons for withholding, given the national
security, environmental, and policy ramifications. If any part of this
request is denied or information withheld, I request a detailed
explanation of the specific exemptions applied, with a reference to the
relevant sections of the Official Information Act.
I expect that all documents, regardless of storage location, will be
provided in full, with only exempted portions redacted. If the requested
information is held by foreign governments or entities, including the U.S.
military or private contractors, I request guidance on how this
information can be made available or accessed.
Thank you for your attention to this request. I look forward to receiving
a response within the legally prescribed timeframe.
Yours faithfully,
Logan Cowan
This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.
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From: Logan Cowan
Dear Ministerial Services,
Thank you for your inadequate response regarding my request for information on geoengineering activities.
I am formally challenging your response to my request for information related to geoengineering activities within New Zealand’s airspace and jurisdiction.
Your refusal under section 18(e) of the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA), stating that the requested information is not held by the New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF), is insufficient and does not address the full scope of my request. It is essential to clarify that while the requested information may not be directly stored by the NZDF or held within New Zealand, it is likely accessible through various channels, including surveillance, intelligence sharing, VPNs, or external contractors involved in these operations. The NZDF’s access to this information cannot be disregarded simply because it is stored outside of New Zealand or on non-NZ servers.
Although the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) regulates civil airspace within New Zealand, the NZDF holds significant responsibilities in national defense, air sovereignty, and intelligence operations. This means the NZDF will have direct access to or knowledge of geoengineering activities, particularly if such activities have implications for national security, public safety, or environmental health. The NZDF is responsible for the protection and oversight of New Zealand’s airspace and people, which includes managing and monitoring both foreign and domestic air operations. Given the nature of geoengineering, it is evident that such activities, whether foreign or domestic, fall under the NZDF’s purview, especially if they affect New Zealand's airspace, environment, and citizens.
Your reference to a previous OIA request [ as grounds for refusal is entirely inappropriate. The information requested in that case bears no direct relevance to my request, and using it as justification to dismiss this matter is an evasive tactic. This is an attempt to avoid providing critical information that is of significant importance to public health, national security, and environmental safety.
Given the potential risks of geoengineering activities, I expect a more thorough and direct response from the NZDF. I require the following:
1. An explicit acknowledgment of whether the NZDF has any involvement, knowledge, or access to information regarding geoengineering activities within New Zealand's airspace or territorial waters. This includes activities coordinated by or in conjunction with foreign entities such as the United States Air Force, private contractors, or international agencies.
2. A detailed explanation of the NZDF’s role, if any, in overseeing or monitoring such activities, either independently or through partnerships with foreign organizations. It is crucial to know whether the NZDF is aware of or has access to any geoengineering operations occurring within New Zealand’s jurisdiction.
If the NZDF does not hold the requested information, I demand that you identify which agency or entity within New Zealand, or in foreign jurisdictions, would hold such information and could respond under the Official Information Act. This is especially important if such activities are being conducted by international entities or private contractors.
Additionally, I request that you review all relevant communications, intelligence reports, and other materials that may pertain to geoengineering activities, including operations conducted within or over New Zealand.
I expect a prompt, detailed response to the concerns outlined above. Any refusal to comply with this request will not be tolerated without thorough justification. Please be advised that I am prepared to escalate this matter to the Ombudsman and beyond if my concerns are not addressed with the seriousness they warrant.
I await your response.
Logan Cowan
From: Ministerial Services
New Zealand Defence Force
Link: [1]File-List
Link: [2]Edit-Time-Data
Good morning Logan Cowan,
To inform the previous response, and the subsequent Ombudsman's
investigation in January 2025, searches of Royal New Zealand Air Force,
Defence Science and Technology, Headquarters Joint Forces New Zealand, and
Headquarters New Zealand Defence Force files were undertaken to identify
any relevant information. To reiterate, the NZDF does not hold any
information concerning geoengineering activities as requested, the NZDF
does not have the capability to undertake any of the geoengineering
activities as requested.
As stated below, and in accordance with section 14 of the OIA, the NZDF
has no reason to believe the requested information is held by a
department, or Minister of the Crown or organisation, or a local
You retain the right, under section 28(3) of the OIA, to ask an Ombudsman
to review the response.
Corporate and Ministerial Services
OCDF, Office of Chief of Defence Force
New Zealand Defence Force
-----Original Message-----
From: Logan Cowan [mailto:[FOI #30287 email]]
Sent: Tuesday, 4 March 2025 9:50 a.m.
To: Ministerial Services <[NZDF request email]>
Subject: Re: [unclassified] RE: Official Information request - Official
Information Request Regarding NZDF's Knowledge and Involvement in
Geoengineering Activities
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recognize the sender and know the content is safe. If in any doubt, please
forward the email to [4][email address] and then delete the email from
your Inbox. Thank you
Dear Ministerial Services,
Thank you for your inadequate response regarding my request for
information on geoengineering activities.
I am formally challenging your response to my request for information
related to geoengineering activities within New Zealand’s airspace and
Your refusal under section 18(e) of the Official Information Act 1982
(OIA), stating that the requested information is not held by the New
Zealand Defence Force (NZDF), is insufficient and does not address the
full scope of my request. It is essential to clarify that while the
requested information may not be directly stored by the NZDF or held
within New Zealand, it is likely accessible through various channels,
including surveillance, intelligence sharing, VPNs, or external
contractors involved in these operations. The NZDF’s access to this
information cannot be disregarded simply because it is stored outside of
New Zealand or on non-NZ servers.
Although the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) regulates civil airspace
within New Zealand, the NZDF holds significant responsibilities in
national defense, air sovereignty, and intelligence operations. This means
the NZDF will have direct access to or knowledge of geoengineering
activities, particularly if such activities have implications for national
security, public safety, or environmental health. The NZDF is responsible
for the protection and oversight of New Zealand’s airspace and people,
which includes managing and monitoring both foreign and domestic air
operations. Given the nature of geoengineering, it is evident that such
activities, whether foreign or domestic, fall under the NZDF’s purview,
especially if they affect New Zealand's airspace, environment, and
Your reference to a previous OIA request
[ as grounds for refusal
is entirely inappropriate. The information requested in that case bears no
direct relevance to my request, and using it as justification to dismiss
this matter is an evasive tactic. This is an attempt to avoid providing
critical information that is of significant importance to public health,
national security, and environmental safety.
Given the potential risks of geoengineering activities, I expect a more
thorough and direct response from the NZDF. I require the following:
1. An explicit acknowledgment of whether the NZDF has any involvement,
knowledge, or access to information regarding geoengineering activities
within New Zealand's airspace or territorial waters. This includes
activities coordinated by or in conjunction with foreign entities such as
the United States Air Force, private contractors, or international
2. A detailed explanation of the NZDF’s role, if any, in overseeing or
monitoring such activities, either independently or through partnerships
with foreign organizations. It is crucial to know whether the NZDF is
aware of or has access to any geoengineering operations occurring within
New Zealand’s jurisdiction.
If the NZDF does not hold the requested information, I demand that you
identify which agency or entity within New Zealand, or in foreign
jurisdictions, would hold such information and could respond under the
Official Information Act. This is especially important if such activities
are being conducted by international entities or private contractors.
Additionally, I request that you review all relevant communications,
intelligence reports, and other materials that may pertain to
geoengineering activities, including operations conducted within or over
New Zealand.
I expect a prompt, detailed response to the concerns outlined above. Any
refusal to comply with this request will not be tolerated without thorough
justification. Please be advised that I am prepared to escalate this
matter to the Ombudsman and beyond if my concerns are not addressed with
the seriousness they warrant.
I await your response.
Logan Cowan
-----Original Message-----
Link: [1]File-List
Link: [2]Edit-Time-Data
Good morning Logan Cowan,
The New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) recently responded to a request for
similar information
This response was also investigated by the Office of the Ombudsman. As
the situation has not changed since 30 August 2024, your request is
refused in accordance with section 18(e) of the Official Information Act
1982 (OIA) as the requested information is not held by the NZDF. The NZDF
does not believe relevant information would be held by another New
Zealand agency under the OIA.
You have the right, under section 28(3) of the OIA, to ask an Ombudsman
to review this response to your request. Information about how to make a
complaint is available at [4][6] or freephone
802 602.
Corporate and Ministerial Services
OCDF, Office of Chief of Defence Force
New Zealand Defence Force
Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[8][FOI #30287 email]
Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on
the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:
If you find this service useful as an Official Information officer, please
ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's OIA or LGOIMA
The information contained in this Internet Email message is intended for
the addressee only and may contain privileged information, but not
necessarily the official views or opinions of the New Zealand Defence
Force. If you are not the intended recipient you must not use, disclose,
copy or
distribute this message or the information in it. If you have received
this message in error, please Email or telephone the sender immediately.
Visible links
1. file:///tmp/cid:filelist.xml@01DB8CED.9B84C8B0
2. file:///tmp/cid:editdata.mso
4. mailto:[email address]
8. mailto:[FOI #30287 email]
hide quoted sections
From: Logan Cowan
Dear Ministerial Services,
I am writing again to formally challenge your response to my request for information regarding geoengineering activities, particularly in relation to New Zealand's airspace and jurisdiction.
I understand that you have referenced a previous OIA request [1A-2024-5112] made by Ben Watkins, which pertains to geoengineering, weather modification, and solar radiation management. While I acknowledge this previous request, I must point out that it does not adequately address the full scope of my inquiry. Your reference to that OIA does not justify the blanket refusal to disclose any relevant information regarding geoengineering activities that may involve the New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF).
First, I must correct the inaccurate claim that the NZDF lacks the "capability" to undertake geoengineering activities. The NZDF operates a fleet of aircraft, including military planes, which have the capacity to disperse aerosols into the upper atmosphere. As is evident in publicly available videos and reports, NZDF aircraft have been observed leaving trails that expand into blanket hazes rather than dissipating as water vapor does. This directly contradicts your claim that the NZDF has no capability for geoengineering activities. The infrastructure necessary for such operations—aircraft, chemicals, and basic equipment—are within the operational capacity of the NZDF.
Furthermore, the argument that no information on geoengineering is held by the NZDF or any related department is insufficient. While the NZDF may not directly store or control this information, it is entirely plausible that the NZDF has access to, or is involved in, operations related to geoengineering, particularly as it pertains to national security, air sovereignty, or intelligence operations. As part of national defence and airspace management, the NZDF likely has access to intelligence, surveillance data, or operational coordination with foreign agencies or contractors involved in geoengineering efforts. Therefore, the assertion that the NZDF holds no relevant information requires further clarification.
Given the ongoing concerns surrounding geoengineering activities and their potential impact on public health, national security, and environmental safety, I am once again requesting the following:
1. Explicit Confirmation: Does the NZDF possess any knowledge, involvement, or access to information regarding geoengineering activities within New Zealand's airspace or territorial waters, including operations coordinated with foreign entities such as the United States Air Force, private contractors, or international organizations?
2. NZDF’s Role in Oversight: What role, if any, does the NZDF play in monitoring or overseeing geoengineering activities, either independently or through partnerships with foreign agencies? Is the NZDF aware of any geoengineering operations being carried out within New Zealand's jurisdiction?
3. Search Process Transparency: Please provide specific details of the search process you conducted. This includes clarification of which specific departments, units, and personnel within the NZDF were involved in carrying out the search for relevant information on geoengineering activities. I would like to know whether the search was conducted solely by NZDF staff or if external contractors, agencies, or third parties were consulted in relation to these matters. Please confirm whether the search was carried out independently or whether it involved collaboration with other government agencies, private entities, or foreign organisations. Furthermore, I require a detailed breakdown of which files, records, and databases were searched, including both electronic and physical records, and which specific systems or archives were accessed—such as those containing information on air operations, national security, or collaborations with international defence or environmental agencies. I request clarification as to whether the search also included any offshore servers or data locations, as such systems may be used to store or manage relevant information outside New Zealand's jurisdiction. Additionally, I request information on the search criteria used, such as the specific terms, keywords, or phrases employed to identify any relevant documents, communications, or materials related to geoengineering activities, weather modification, aerosol dispersal, or other related technologies and operations. I would also like to know the extent to which the search included any files or records that could indicate indirect involvement of the NZDF in geoengineering-related activities, including materials referencing climate intervention or coordination with foreign entities. Lastly, please clarify the scope of the search in terms of both location and reach—did it encompass all relevant divisions and branches of the NZDF, including the Royal New Zealand Air Force, Defence Science and Technology, and Headquarters Joint Forces New Zealand, or were there any areas or agencies excluded from the search? Was there an independent review or verification process in place to ensure the thoroughness and accuracy of the search, particularly in light of the sensitive and potentially classified nature of geoengineering activities?
If you continue to maintain that the NZDF does not hold the requested information, I require you to specify which department, agency, or external entity within New Zealand or abroad holds such information, and that they are capable of providing a response under the Official Information Act.
The refusal to provide any transparency about this matter is concerning. Given the clear and evident risks of geoengineering activities and the NZDF’s significant role in national defence and airspace oversight, I expect a more comprehensive and accountable response.
If you continue to refuse to provide the requested information or fail to substantiate your response, I will pursue for review and escalate this matter further.
Logan Cowan
SPENCER JONES left an annotation ()
Weather modification has been a subject of interest within military organizations, including those of the Five Eyes alliance (Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States). The U.S. Air Force has explored the potential of weather modification as a strategic tool. A notable study titled "Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025" discusses how weather modification could enhance military operations by 2025.
This study examines necessary technological advancements in areas such as nonlinear modeling techniques, computational capabilities, information gathering, global sensor arrays, and weather intervention methods.
The Department of Defense has also addressed weather modification. A document titled "Benign Weather Modification" discusses the potential applications and implications of weather modification technologies.
This document highlights the interest of countries like Russia and China in weather modification, particularly in controlling hail, and notes that while the U.S. military, especially the Air Force, is considered a leader in this field, there is very limited open source evidence of active military use of weather modification by other countries as it has been suppressed and hidden behind projects, operations and the Patent Secrecy Orders/Act and Armed Services Patent Advisory Boards.
Globally, weather modification programs have been on the rise. As of recent reports, 52 countries have been involved in weather modification efforts, up from 47 in 2013.
These programs apparently primarily focus is on precipitation enhancement, hail suppression, and fog dispersal techniques.
SPENCER JONES left an annotation ()
Here is a summary of some Weather Modification Patents
• 1891 - 0462795 – method of producing rain-fall
• 1914 - 1103490 – rain maker (balloon images)
• 1917 - 1225521 – protection from poisonous gas in warfare
• 1920 - 1338343 – process and apparatus for the production of intense artificial clouds, fogs, or mists
• 1924 - 1512783 – composition for dispelling fogs
• 1927 - 1619183 – process of producing smoke clouds from moving aircraft
• 1928 - 1665267 – process of producting artificial fogs
• 1932 - 1892132 – atomizing attachment for airplane engine exhausts
• 1933 - 1928963 – electrical system and method
• 1934 - 1957075 – airplane spray equipment
• 1936 - 2045865 – skywriting apparatus
• 1936 - 2052626 – method of dispelling fog (mit)
• 1937 - 2068987 – process of dissipating fog
• 1939 - 2160900 – method for vapor clearing
• 1941 - 2232728 – method and composition for dispelling vapors
• 1941 - 2257360 – desensitized pentaerythritol tetranitrate explosive
• 1946 - 2395827 – airplane spray unit (us. dept. of agriculture)
• 1946 - 2409201 – smoke-producing mixture
• 1949 - 2476171 – smoke screen generator
• 1949 - 2480967 – aerial discharge device
• 1950 - 2527230 – method of crystal formation and precipitation
• 1951 - 2550324 – process for controlling weather
• 1951 - 2570867 – method of crystal formation and precipitation (general electric)
• 1952 - 2582678 – material disseminating apparatus for airplanes
• 1952 - 2591988 – production of tio2 pigments (dupont)
• 1952 - 2614083 – metal chloride screening smoke mixture
• 1953 - 2633455 – smoke generator
• 1954 - 2688069 – steam generator
• 1955 - 2721495 – method and apparatus for detecting minute crystal forming particles suspended in a gaseous atmosphere (general electric)
• 1956 - 2730402 – controllable dispersal device
• 1957 - 2801322 – decomposition chamber for monopropellant fuel
• 1958 - 2835530 – process for the condensation of atmospheric humidity and dissolution of fog
• 1959 - 2881335 – generation of electrical fields (haarp – for re-charging clouds!)
• 1959 - 2903188 – control of tropical cyclone formation
• 1959 - 2908442 – method for dispersing natural atmospheric fogs and clouds
• 1960 - 2962450 – fog dispelling composition (see references)
• 1960 - 2963975 – cloud seeding carbon dioxide bullet
• 1961 - 2986360 – aerial insecticide dusting device
• 1962 - 3044911 – propellant system
• 1962 - 3056556 – method of artificially influencing the weather
• 1964 - 3120459 – composite incendiary powder containing metal coated oxidizing salts
• 1964 - 3126155 – silver iodide cloud seeding generator (main commercial ingrediant)
• 1964 - 3127107 – generation of ice-nucleating crystals
• 1964 - 3131131 – electrostatic mixing in microbial conversions
• 1965 - 3174150 – self-focusing antenna system (haarp)
• 1966 - 3257801 – pyrotechnic composition comprising solid oxidizer, boron and aluminum additive and binder
• 1966 - 3234357 – electrically heated smoke producing device
• 1966 - 3274035 – metallic composition for production of hydroscopic smoke
• 1967 - 3300721 – means for communication through a layer of ionized gases (haarp)
• 1967 - 3313487 – cloud seeding apparatus
• 1967 - 3338476 – heating device for use with aerosol containers
• 1968 - 3410489 – automatically adjustable airfoil spray system with pump
• 1969 - 3429507 – rainmaker
• 1969 - 3430533 – aircraft dispensor pod having self-sealing ejection tubes
• 1969 - 3432208 – fluidized particle dispenser (us air force)
• 1969 - 3437502 – titanium dioxide pigment coated with silica and aluminum (dupont)
• 1969 - 3441214 – method and apparatus for seeding clouds
• 1969 - 3445844 – trapped electromagnetic radiation communications system (haarp – raytheon)
• 1969 - 3456880 – method of producing precipitation from the atmosphere
• 1970 - 3517512 – apparatus for suppressing contrails
• 1970 - 3518670 – artificial ion cloud
• 1970 - 3531310 – production of improved metal oxide pigment
• 1970 - 3534906 – control of atmospheric particles (dow chemical co)
• 1970 - 3545677 – method of cloud seeding
• 1971 - 3564253 – system and method for irradiation of planet surface areas (space solar mirrors)
• 1971 - 3587966 – freezing nucleation
• 1971 - 3601312 – methods of increasing the likelihood of precipatation by the artificial introduction of sea water vapor into the atmosphere winward of an air lift region
• 1971 - 3608810 – methods of treating atmospheric conditions
• 1971 - 3608820 – treatment of atmospheric conditions by intermittent dispensing of materials therein
• 1971 - 3613992 – weather modification method
• 1971 - 3630950 – combustible compositions for generating aerosols, particularly suitable for cloud modification and weather control and aerosolization process
• 1972 - 3647710 – method for dispersing fog with phosphate salt compositions
• 1972 - 3653383 – algin sponge and process therefor
• 1972 - 3659785 – weather modification utilizing microencapsulated material (gross)
• 1972 - 3666176 – solar temperature inversion device
• 1972 - 3677840 – pyrotechnics comprising oxide of silver for weather modification use
• 1972 - 3690552 – fog dispersal
• 1973 - 3722183 – device for clearing impurities from the atmosphere
• 1973 - 3769107 – pyrotechnic composition for generating lead based smoke (are you serious?)
• 1974 - 3784099 – air pollution control method
• 1974 - 3785557 – cloud seeding system
• 1974 - 3795626 – weather modification process
• 1974 - 3808595 – chaff dispensing system
• 1974 - 3813875 – rocket having barium release system to create ion clouds in the upper atmopsphere (nasa)
• 1974 - 3835059 – methods of generating ice nuclei smoke particles for weather modification and apparatus therefore
• 1974 - 3835293 – electrical heating aparatus for generating super heated vapors
• 1975 - 3877642 – freezing nucleant
• 1975 - 3882393 – communications system utilizing modulation of the characteristic polarization of the ionosphere (haarp – us navy)
• 1975 - 3896993 – process for local modification of fog and clouds for triggering their precipitation and for hindering the development of hail producing clouds
• 1975 - 3899144 – powder contrail generation
• 1975 - 3902934 – gas generating compositions
• 1976 - 3940059 – method of fog dispersion
• 1976 - 3940060 – vortex ring generator
• 1976 - 3990987 – smoke generator
• 1976 - 3992628 – countermeasure system for laser radiation
• 1976 - 3994437 – broadcast dissemination of trace quantities of biologically active chemicals
• 1977 - re29142 – combustible compositions for generating aerosols, particularly suitable for cloud modification and weather control and aerosolization process
• 1977 - 4035726 – method of controlling and/or improving high-latitude and other communications or radio wave surveillance systems by partial control of radio wave et al (haarp – cornell univ.)
• 1977 - 4042196 – method and apparatus for triggering a substantial change in earth characteristics and measuring earth changes
• 1978 - 4096005 – pyrotechnic cloud seeding composition
• 1978 - 4111911 – method of hardening liquid resols
• 1978 - 4129252 – method and apparatus for production of seeding materials
• 1979 - 4141274 – weather modification automatic cartridge dispenser
• 1979 - 4167008 – fluid bed chaff dispenser
• 1981 - 4269637 – high-performance mhd solid gas generator
• 1982 - 4347284 – white cover sheet material capable of reflecting ultraviolet rays
• 1982 - 4362271 – procedure for the artificial modification of atmospheric precipitation as well as compounds with a dimethyl sulfoxide base for use in carrying out said procedure
• 1983 - 4402480 – atmosphere modification satellite (space)
• 1983 - 4412654 – laminar microjet atomizer and method of aerial spraying of liquids
• 1983 - 4415265 – method and apparatus for aerosol particle absorption spectroscopy
• 1983 - 4373391 – relative humidity sensitive material
• 1984 - 4470544 – method of and means for weather modification
• 1984 - 4475927 – bipolar fog abatement system
• 1986 - 4600147 – liquid propane generator for cloud seeding apparatus
• 1987 - 4633714 – aerosol particle charge and size analyzer
• 1987 - 4643355 – method and apparatus for modification of climatic conditions
• 1987 - 4653690 – method of producing cumulus clouds
• 1987 - 4684063 – particulates generation and removal
• 1987 - 4686605 – method and apparatus for altering a region in the earth’s atmosphere, ionosphere, and/or magnetosphere (haarp – raythen)
• 1987 - 4704942 – charged aerosol (anti-airborne biological warfare agent)
• 1987 - 4712155 – method and apparatus for creating an artificial electron cyclotron heating region of plasma (haarp – raytheon)
• 1988 - 4744919 – method of dispersing particulate aerosol tracer
• 1988 - 4766725 – method of suppressing formation of contrails and solution therefor
• 1989 - 4829838 – method and apparatus for the measurement of the size of particles entrained in a gas
• 1989 - 4836086 – apparatus and method for the mixing and diffusion of warm and cold air for dissolving fog
• 1989 - 4873928 – nuclear-sized explosions without radiation (haarp – raytheon)
• 1990 - 4948257 – laser optical measuring device and method for stabilizing fringe pattern spacing
• 1990 - 4948050 – liquid atomizing apparatus for aerial spraying
• 1990 - 4959559 – (united states) electromagnetic or other directed energy pulse launcher
• 1991 - 4999637 – creation of artificial ionization clouds above the earth (haarp – raytheon)
• 1991 - 5003186 – stratospheric welsbach seeding for reduction of global warming
• 1991 - 5005355 – method of suppressing formation of contrails and solution therefor
• 1991 - 5038664 – method for producing a shell of relativistic particles at an altitude above the earths surface (haarp – raytheon)
• 1991 - 5041760 – method and apparatus for generating and utilizing a compound plasma configuration
• 1991 - 5041834 – artificial ionospheric mirror composed of a plasma layer which can be tilted (haarp – raytheon)
• 1991 - 5056357 – acoustic method for measuring properties of a mobile medium
• 1991 - 5059909 – determination of particle size and electrical charge
• 1992 - 5104069 – apparatus and method for ejecting matter from an aircraft
• 1992 - 5110502 – method of suppressing formation of contrails and solution therefor
• 1992 - 5148173 – millimeter wave screening cloud and method
• 1992 - 5156802 – inspection of fuel particles with acoustics
• 1992 - 5174498 – cloud seeding
• 1993 - 5245290 – device for determining the size and charge of colloidal particles by measuring electroacoustic effect
• 1994 - 5286979 – process for absorbing ultraviolet radiation using dispersed melanin (wow!)
• 1994 - 5296910 – method and apparatus for particle analysis
• 1994 - 5327222 – displacement information detecting apparatus
• 1994 - 5357865 – method of cloud seeding
• 1994 - 5360162 – method and composition for precipitation of atmospheric water
• 1995 - 5383024 – optical wet steam monitor
• 1995 - 5425413 – method to hinder the formation and to break-up overhead atmospheric inversions, enhance ground level air circulation and improve urban air quality
• 1995 - 5434667 – characterization of particles by modulated dynamic light scattering
• 1995 - 5441200 – tropical cyclone disruption (hurricanes!)
• 1996 - 5486900 – measuring device for amount of charge of toner and image forming apparatus having the measuring device
• 1996 - 5556029 – method of hydrometeor dissipation (clouds)
• 1997 - 5628455 – method and apparatus for modification of supercooled fog
• 1997 - 5631414 – method and device for remote diagnostics of ocean-atmosphere system state
• 1997 - 5639441 – methods for fine particle formation
• 1998 - 5762298 – use of artificial satellites in earth orbits adaptively to modify the effect that solar radiation would otherwise have on earth’s weather (space)
• 1999 - 5912396 – system and method for remediation of selected atmospheric conditions (solar powered blimp to ionize clouds)
• 1999 - 5922976 – method of measuring aerosol particles using automated mobility-classified aerosol detector
• 1999 - 5949001 – method for aerodynamic particle size analysis
• 1999 - 5984239 – weather modification by artificial satellites (space)
• 2000 - 6025402 – chemical composition for effectuating a reduction of visibility obscuration, and a detoxifixation of fumes and chemical fogs in spaces of fire origin
• 2000 - 6030506 – preparation of independently generated highly reactive chemical species
• 2000 - 6034073 – solvent detergent emulsions having antiviral activity
• 2000 - 6045089 – solar-powered airplane
• 2000 - 6056203 – method and apparatus for modifying supercooled clouds
• 2000 - 6110590 – synthetically spun silk nanofibers and a process for making the same
• 2001 - 6263744 – automated mobility-classified-aerosol detector
• 2001 - 6281972 – method and apparatus for measuring particle-size distribution
• 2001 - 6315213 – method of modifying the weather
• 2002 - 6382526 – process and apparatus for the production of nanofibers
• 2002 - 6408704 – aerodynamic particle size analysis method and apparatus
• 2002 - 6412416 – propellant-based aerosol generation devices and method (us army)
• 2003 - 6520425 – process and apparatus for the production of nanofibers
• 2003 - 6539812 – system for measuring the flow-rate of a gas by means of ultrasound
• 2003 - 6553849 – electrodynamic particle size analyzer
• 2003 - 6569393 – method and device for cleaning the atmosphere
• 2011 - 7965488 – methods of removing aerosols from the atmosphere (ionizing antennas)
Geoengineering Patents
• 1991 - Stratospheric Welsbach seeding for reduction of global warming
• 1999 - Process for sequestering into the ocean the atmospheric greenhouse gas carbon dioxide by means of supplementing the ocean with ammonia or salts thereof
• 1999 - 6200530 - Water-bouyant particulate materials containing micronutrients for phytoplankton
• 2001 - Method of sequestering carbon dioxide with spiral fertilization
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The Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques (ENMOD) was opened for signature on May 18, 1977, in Geneva, and entered into force on October 5, 1978.
The convention aims to prohibit the use of environmental modification techniques for hostile purposes that could have widespread, long-lasting, or severe effects.
Signatories and Parties:
Initial Signatories: The convention was signed by 48 states during the period it was open for signature.
Ratifications: As of 2022, 78 states have become parties to the convention through ratification or accession.
Notable Parties:
United States: Signed the convention on May 18, 1977, and ratified it on January 17, 1980.
Soviet Union (now succeeded by Russia): Signed on May 18, 1977, and ratified on May 16, 1978.
United Kingdom: Signed on May 18, 1977, and ratified on May 16, 1978.
China: Acceded to the convention on June 21, 2005.
France: Signed on May 18, 1977, and ratified on July 25, 1988.
Non-Ratifying Signatories:
Sixteen of the initial signatories have not ratified the convention. Notable non-ratifying signatories include:
Turkey: Signed on May 18, 1977, but has not ratified.
Morocco: Signed on May 18, 1977, but has not ratified.
Some countries neither signed nor acceded to the convention. Notable non-signatories include:
For a comprehensive and up-to-date list of parties and signatories to the ENMOD convention, please refer to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) database.
The ENMOD convention represents a significant international effort to prevent the use of environmental modification techniques as instruments of warfare, thereby contributing to global peace and environmental protection.
New Zealand is a party to the Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques (ENMOD).
Date of Signature: May 18, 1977
Date of Ratification: September 18, 1978
Why it's hard to find any form of truth as New Zealand has both signed and ratified the ENMOD Convention, committing to the prohibition of using environmental modification techniques as a means of warfare. For more information, you can consult the ICRC database on the ENMOD Convention here.
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After discovering that the ionosphere reacted strongly to HAARP transmissions, the project was militarized (see US Patent 4,686,605, “Method and apparatus for altering a region in the earth’s atmosphere, ionosphere, and/or magnetosphere”) and can now create ionospheric lenses that can be used to focus the sun’s rays on a specific area,
causing a localized rise in ground, ocean or atmospheric temperatures. This updraft creates a low pressure system at low altitudes and a high pressure system at high altitudes, and can be used to modify the flow of weather patterns.
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"Operational Defenses through Weather Control in 2030" is a research paper authored by Major Michael C. Boger of the United States Air Force, presented to the Air Command and Staff College in April 2009.
The paper explores the potential of utilizing weather control technologies to protect critical assets from directed energy weapons (DEWs) and optical targeting systems by 2030.
Key Concepts:
Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs): These weapons, including lasers and high-energy systems, can be impeded by atmospheric conditions such as clouds and fog, which scatter or absorb the energy beams.
Weather Control Technologies: Advancements in computing power and nanotechnology could enable the creation of localized atmospheric conditions. Specifically, the deployment of miniature, diamond-walled balloons equipped with sensors and actuators could manipulate temperature and vapor content to form fog or stratus clouds, thereby shielding assets from DEW attacks.
Nanotechnology: The envisioned balloons would utilize nanotechnology to interact with a four-dimensional variation (4D-Var) computer model, allowing for real-time measurement and modification of local atmospheric conditions. This approach aims to effectively manage and control specific weather phenomena to enhance defense capabilities.
Publication Details:
Title: Operational Defenses through Weather Control in 2030
Author: Major Michael C. Boger, United States Air Force
Institution: Air Command and Staff College
Publication Date: April 2009
ISBN: 9781500890582
Length: 40 pages
Availability: The paper is available for purchase through various retailers, including Barnes & Noble.
This research highlights the strategic importance of integrating weather control mechanisms into national defense systems to counteract emerging threats from DEWs and similar technologies by the year 2030.
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