Alex Harris
Joined FYI in 2011
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This person's 522 Official Information requests (page 6)
Advice on relocating homeless beneficaries
Response by Ministry of Social Development to Alex Harris on .
Hi Alex,
We are anticipating that the information will be available by 27 July 2016. As this is a new programme certain aspects are as still being act...
Hi Alex,
Please see the attached Waitemata DHB response to your recent Official
Information Act request regarding seclusion units.
Use of social media monitoring tools by Customs
Response by New Zealand Customs Service to Alex Harris on .
Good evening Mr Harris
Please find attached a response to your request
Kind regards
Procedures and Support team
New Zealand Customs Ser...
Use of social media monitoring tools by DPMC (incl NZIC and NAB)
Response by Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to Alex Harris on .
Please find attached a scanned copy of the reply to your recent Official
Information Act request to the Department of the Prime M...
Use of social media monitoring tools by MPI
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Alex Harris on .
Good Afternoon Alex Harris,
On behalf of John Walsh, Director Communications and Channels, please find
a response to your recent Official informatio...
Use of social media monitoring tools by GCSB
Response by Government Communications Security Bureau to Alex Harris on .
Dear Mr Harris
Please find attached the response to your OIA request
This email has been filtered by SMX. For more information visit...
Use of social media monitoring tools by SIS
Response by New Zealand Security Intelligence Service to Alex Harris on .
Dear Alex Harris
Please find attached the Director’s response to your request dated 27 May 2016.
Yours sincerely
Use of social media monitoring tools by Corrections
Response by Department of Corrections to Alex Harris on .
Please find attached correspondence from the Department of Corrections.
Ministerial Services Team
National Office
Department of...
Statistics on seclusion
Response by Waikato District Health Board to Alex Harris on .
Partially successful.
Dear Alex
Thank you for your request for information in relation to the use of
seclusion at Waikato DHB Mental Health and Addictions Services. ...
Report on exceptional fees for EPA members
Response by Minister of State Services to Alex Harris on .
Partially successful.
Good morning Mr Harris
Please find the attached response to your correspondence of 13 May to Hon
Kind Regards
Julia Ber...
Use of social media monitoring tools by NZDF
Response by New Zealand Defence Force to Alex Harris on .
Good morning Mr Harris,
Please find attached the response to your OIA request regarding social
media monitoring tools.
Kind regards,
The Ombudsman has reviewed and upheld Customs' decision. Their decision is here:
Use of video or audio surveillance for dog control purposes
Response by Wellington City Council to Alex Harris on .
Message forwarded by FYI admin:
From: Sarah Pearson-Coats <[1][email address]>
Date: Thu, 26 May 2016 at 12:14
Subject: Response to Alan Harris requ...
How many times has IRD requested information from NZ foreign trusts in the past year?
Response by Inland Revenue Department to Alex Harris on .
Good afternoon Mr Harris,
Please find attached the response to your Official Information Act
request, received on 5 April 2016. I apologise for the...
Use of video or audio surveillance for dog control purposes
Response by Hutt City Council to Alex Harris on .
Hi Alex
Please find HCC’s response to your recent request for information relating
to video/audio devices for dog control.
Attached also are our W...
Use of video or audio surveillance for dog control purposes
Response by Whangarei District Council to Alex Harris on .
Long overdue.
This is an automated response, just to let you know we've received your email/form.
We will pass your message on to the team and they will get in touch...
Use of video or audio surveillance for dog control purposes
Response by Hamilton City Council to Alex Harris on .
Dear Alex,
Further to your information request of 16 March 2016 in respect of the use
of video or audio surveillance for dog control purposes, I...
Use of video or audio surveillance for dog control purposes
Response by New Plymouth District Council to Alex Harris on .
RE: Official Information Act request - Use of video or audio surveillance
for dog control purposes
Dear Alex
Thank you for your email...
Use of video or audio surveillance for dog control purposes
Response by Tauranga City Council to Alex Harris on .
Good afternoon,
Please see attached letter in response to your request for information
received on 16 March 2016.
Kind regards
Advice on national policy statement on natural hazards
Response by Ministry for the Environment to Alex Harris on .
Dear Mr Harris,
On behalf of the Hon Dr Nick Smith, please find attached a response to
your OIA request of 15 February 2016.
Kind regards,...
Use of video or audio surveillance for dog control purposes
Response by Auckland Council to Alex Harris on .
Good morning Alex,
Further to your email to us on 16 March, your LGOIMA request has been cancelled as the information you are seeking does not exist f...
Use of video or audio surveillance for dog control purposes
Response by Hastings District Council to Alex Harris on .
Dear Mr Harris
In response to your LGOIMA request of this morning regarding video and
audio surveillance devices for dog control purposes.
Use of video or audio surveillance for dog control purposes
Response by Palmerston North City Council to Alex Harris on .
Dear Alex,
In reference to your LGOIMA request for information relating to
video/audio surveillance for dog control purposes I can confirm that...
Use of video or audio surveillance for dog control purposes
Response by Dunedin City Council to Alex Harris on .
Long overdue.
I am currently out of the office, returning Friday morning.
Please contact my PA Kelly Taylor on 03 474 3434 or at
k[1][email address] for assistan...
This person's 183 annotations (page 6)
Scoop has posted the form here:
Titles of Cabinet Papers Presented to Last Cabinet and Cabinet Committee Meetings
Request to Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet by Joshua Grainger. Annotated by Alex Harris on .
I think that's a failure of the duty to assist...
Email Request Vance
Withdrawn by the requester.
Note that a) this will only apply to emails sent in a Ministerial capacity; and b) the relevant period is in fact early April 2013, not May - June 2013...
Entertainment by accounting or legal consultancies
Waiting clarification.
If extracting the require dinformation from the monthly gift register is time consuming, then the easiest thing to do is to request the entire gift reg...
Advice on access agreements to prospect on schedule 4 land
Withdrawn by the requester.
This seems to have been sent to the wrong email address; Kate Wilkinson was not Minister of Conservation at the time. I've since found an answer in a...
Adoption of cats from concourse
The barrier to declare a request vexatious is very high, "such that no reasonable person could properly treat it as bona fide" according to the Ombudsm...
Payroll error statistics
Request to Capital and Coast District Health Board by Maria-Jane Brodie. Annotated by Alex Harris on .
This is unlawful. An agency can only extend the time-limit once.
Details of Operational UAV/Drone Use
Check the Ombudsman's guidelines - prejudice to the fair trial rights of the accused are prejudice to maintenance of the law, and so covered under s6(c...
Police chapter manuals
Waiting clarification.
The police want to charge
"for each business owner to read, review, and edit/redact any information to be withheld, and for that to be checked by an...
Novopay contract
The contract can be found here:
Request for information relating to NZ Land Army (WW2)
Information not held.
Annotaters: this is a site for making OIA requests, not a genealogy / connections site. If you want information, you need to either file a very specif...
advice on a second commitment period under the Kyoto Protocol
Partially successful.
Cabinet papers are nominally held by the Minister, and so its a common practice where the request is politically sensitive to transfer to them so they...
Supervised Access Centres and Care for Kids
Handled by post.
According to the Ombudsman's guidelines, agencies must respond in the manner requested, unless it would impair efficient administration or undermine th...
Will be rejected. UCSA is not a subsidiary of University of Canterbury, but an independent incorporated society (registration # 219444); it is therefo...
s99(b)(iv) allows disclosure "as provided under this Act or any other Act".
Who can access th emotor vehicle register?
The link to gazette notices of special authorisations:
Police policy chapter manuals
Awaiting internal review.
The police seem to have ignored s18B of the Act, requiring them to consult before rejecting a request on the grounds of 18(f)
Performance of functions to prevent serious crime
Partially successful.
Response has been linked to the wrong request and is here:
Request for information relating to NZ Land Army (WW2)
Information not held.
Lorraine: Annotating a request here will not get a response from the government. You need to either file your own OIA, or trawl the National Archives....
A glitch in someone's email? Or just denial? Either way, resubmission is likely to get an answer quicker than the Ombudsman.
Officials' Committees Agendas
Request to Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet by Joshua Grainger. Annotated by Alex Harris on .
I think this is one for the Ombudsman
Tutors' notes for QUAN102 Tutorial
members of academic staff are explicitly covered in the definition of "Official Information". See also s2(4) OIA which calrifies that information held...
Giving of Customer Information to Police
Partially successful.
Its not in "Disclosing personal and official information"; we've already seen that one:
Refugee Detention Information
Partially successful.
Also, check the Ministerial consultation / risk assessment on p 50 - 55. On p54 there's some specific information about FYI which is withheld as "free...
Refugee Detention Information
Partially successful.
So they decided to call the health & safety appendix to the mass-arrival plan "out of scope" to avoid any substantive response to your request. Despit...