Any correspondence relating to traffic light timing issues
Hugh Davenport made this Official Information request to Wellington City Council
The request was successful.
From: Hugh Davenport
Dear Wellington City Council,
I would like to request any correspondence (including but not limited to with the public, internal correspondence, and any independent contractors) in regards to the traffic light timing safety issues reported by myself via email on Thu, 10 Jan, 09:38, and follow up emails about the same subject. Please redact any personal information about me, such as email/twitter/phone/address, as this is to be publicly disclosed.
If any correspondence is not written down (as for verbal discussions), I request that it is written down for the purpose of this request. This information is still valid under the LGOIMA. I am making this clear because in my previous request and emails direct to me you have omitted these discussions, which suggests a lack of discussions, or an illegal response to the LGOIMA request.
For the sake of any confusion, the emails are related to the fact that the intersection of Victoria St/Karo Dr allows a cyclist travelling at less than 20km/h to have opposing traffic get a green light if the cyclist enters on a green light (which then turns orange then red) while still inside the intersection. The council have informed me this magic number is from the austroad standard they use for defining the traffic signal timing. The council have also informed me that this intersection is classed as a "mixed environment" which is defined in the austroad standard for cycling. The "mixed environment" defines the "cyclist operating speed" as "< 20km/h". I have informed the council that the magic number of 20km/h that is used for all the traffic signals in Wellington is contradictory to the "mixed environment" definition that the council defines many intersections around Wellington. I have had no response from the council about any of these discussions since. As such, I am making this request.
Yours faithfully,
Hugh Davenport
From: BUS: Assurance
Wellington City Council
Dear Hugh
Thank you for your email dated 20 February 2019 submitted via FYI
requesting any correspondence (including but not limited to with the
public, internal correspondence, and any independent contractors) in
regards to the traffic light timing safety issues reported by yourself via
email on Thu, 10 Jan, 09:38, and follow up emails about the same subject.
Our team will manage your request under the Local Government Official
Information and Meetings Act 1987 which requires us to respond as soon as
possible, but no later than 20 March 2019.
The reference number for your request is IRO-8097.
Please contact us if you have any further questions.
Kind regards
Jessica Hall
Assurance Services Coordinator | Wellington City Council
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From: Ana Nicholls
Wellington City Council
Kia ora Hugh,
Attached is your response letter and emails that you have requested.
Please let me know if you need further assistance.
Nga mihi,
Ana Nicholls
Assurance Advisor | Wellington City Council
P +6444994444 | M +6421940418 | F
E [1][email address] | W [2] | [3]Facebook|
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From: Hugh Davenport
Dear Ana Nicholls,
Thanks for that. Look forward to the outcome from the 2 indp contractors on this matter.
I do note that the traffic engineers mentioned multiple times that the "mixed environment" meant cyclist had a maximum speed of 20km/h, which is slightly correct (given the austroad standard states "< 20km/h"). From the less than symbol, it would be expected that the cyclists never attain a speed of 20km/h, so should be designed for a speed of below that to ensure safety. I realise in practise that some cyclists do travel more than 20km/h, but I would hope that the council plan for the safety of the majority of cyclists, especially as they are attempting to promote more cyclists hitting the road.
Yours sincerely,
Hugh Davenport
From: BUS: Assurance
Wellington City Council
Thank you Hugh,
I will be in contact shortly with you and I do appreciate your patience.
Nga mihi,
Ana Nicholls
Assurance Advisor | Wellington City Council
P +6444994444 | M +6421940418 | F
E [email address] | W | |
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-----Original Message-----
From: Hugh Davenport [mailto:[FYI request #9637 email]]
Sent: Monday, 18 March 2019 9:32 PM
To: Ana Nicholls
Subject: Re: IRO-8097 Information request
Dear Ana Nicholls,
Thanks for that. Look forward to the outcome from the 2 indp contractors on this matter.
I do note that the traffic engineers mentioned multiple times that the "mixed environment" meant cyclist had a maximum speed of 20km/h, which is slightly correct (given the austroad standard states "< 20km/h"). From the less than symbol, it would be expected that the cyclists never attain a speed of 20km/h, so should be designed for a speed of below that to ensure safety. I realise in practise that some cyclists do travel more than 20km/h, but I would hope that the council plan for the safety of the majority of cyclists, especially as they are attempting to promote more cyclists hitting the road.
Yours sincerely,
Hugh Davenport
-----Original Message-----
Kia ora Hugh,
Attached is your response letter and emails that you have requested.
Please let me know if you need further assistance.
Nga mihi,
Ana Nicholls
Assurance Advisor | Wellington City Council
P +6444994444 | M +6421940418 | F
E [1][email address] | W [2] | [3]Facebook|
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1. mailto:[email address]
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[FYI request #9637 email]
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Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
- Download a zip file of all correspondence